From That Moment

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Book: From That Moment by Anna Park Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Park
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shrugged. “Now, yes. But it won’t last long.” She knew her baby girl was almost ready to emerge. A few more centimeters and she would finally get to meet her. My daughter. I’m bringing my daughter into this world. Alex took a deep breath. She had to do right by her little girl. I’m going to make sure she has every opportunity. Sage is going to have a good life.  
    “Ahhhh.” Another even more intense contraction was beginning. The pain radiated from her back. She hadn’t expected the back pain. Her aunt Gianna Monsanti stroked her forehead. “I wish I could ease your pain, Alex.” Gianna had never had any children, but she was no stranger to pain. Alex managed a feeble smile. “It will be over soon. I can feel her head pushing down.”
    A nurse walked into the room. “Time for another check.” She slipped on the gloves and Alex braced for the pain. “You’re starting a contraction, huh,” the nurse said as she inserted her fingers into Alex. “Wow, you’re almost there.” Alex sighed. Finally.  
    “Do you feel the urge to push?” 
    “Yes, I feel her head right there.”
    “I’m going to get your doctor.”
    Alex leaned back. The next contraction came like a wave, crashing into her. “Okay, now I really have to push.”
    Dr. Weber ran in, “Let’s have this baby.” He stuck a gloved hand inside her. “Wow, she’s almost out. Should be easy now.”
    Alex felt a renewed sense of energy. The next contraction, she finally allowed herself to push. It was the most natural thing she had ever felt. No one had to tell her what to do. Between contractions, she breathed, and prepared for the next push. 
    “Oh my God, I can see her head!” Lia was excited. Alex reached down and felt the wet head of her daughter. Almost there. She couldn’t wait to meet her. 
    “Aaaargh.” She pushed extra hard and felt the head come through. “There she is! One more push, Alex.”
    Alex mustered all of her strength for the final push. She heard a strong cry as her baby emerged completely. Dr. Weber placed her daughter on her belly. She was warm and slippery. The tears came out of nowhere. Alex started to bawl. She looked at the sweet little face in front of her. Her daughter’s eyes were open and her cries subsided as Alex touched her. My daughter.  
    “She’s perfect.” Alex stroked her daughter’s head and moved her index finger along her tiny nose and mouth. 
    Lia’s eyes were teary as well, and she hugged Alex. “She has your red hair, Alex.” Gianna smiled. The nurse came over. “Time for a bath, then you can feed her.” She picked up Alex’s baby,  and walked her over to a tub. Alex heard the cries again as water was poured on her daughter. Feisty, just like me. She smiled.
    “How are you feeling?” Gianna asked her. Her eyes were moist.
    “Great.” Alex was itching to stand up and walk to her daughter. After the baby had emerged, the pain had ceased completely. She felt that she could climb a mountain. “I never expected to feel so strong after all that,” Alex explained. Dr. Weber finished cleaning her up and looked up. “That’s because you had a drug-free birth. No drugs to wear off, you just have all the natural endorphins in your system now.”
    Alex hadn’t planned for a natural birth. She was the person who avoided the dentist because she hated the pain. But the labor had progressed so fast that her nurse had suggested she keep going. She hadn’t felt so powerful in a long time.
    “You’re glowing,” said Lia. “I haven’t seen you this happy since we were kids.” Alex’s life could be divided in two parts: before her father’s death, and after. Before he passed away, Alex was radiant and optimistic. His death had sucked the joy from her life. 
    “I wish dad could have met Sage.” Alex felt the dark sadness weigh her down. 
    “Dad would have been so happy.” Lia had tears streaming down her cheeks. “Wherever he is, he’s proud of you, Alex.” 
    “Well, I

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