From Origins (Descendant Prophecies Book 3)

From Origins (Descendant Prophecies Book 3) by Mary Ting

Book: From Origins (Descendant Prophecies Book 3) by Mary Ting Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Ting
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made me want to vomit.
    The red pairs of lights I was familiar with appeared from the darkness all around the cave, not just on the ground, but from above in multiple leveled floors of the cave. Looked like Hephaestus was hard at work, creating more of the human vultures. What happened next was not a sight I had imagined was possible.
    “Mom….” I gasped.
    Two vultures were on either side of my mom, holding her by her arms. What shocked me the most was the way my mom looked—dazed and confused. She wasn’t fully turned into a vulture, but I could see the changes in her body structure. She was between the stages. The vulture on her left was holding a syringe, ready to inject her with the second dosage of serum that would transform her for good.
    “What did you do?” I yelled at Hephaestus in anger. “How could you do this to her? You love her.”
    “Isn’t that strange? You and I must have a different definition of love. The only love I learned from my parents was to use and destroy.” Hephaestus started pacing. I hated when he did that. He was making me nervous. “You see, Sky, I loved your mom so much that I’m going to use her. I’m going to turn her into someone like me, so that we can be together forever. Isn’t that what love is all about?”
    “You’re crazy!” I spat. “Let her go. I’m here to give you what you want.”
    “You make the choice. Your mom and I will be together forever in this form, or in human form. I think she would look attractive either way. Now that’s love.”
    “Here.” I handed him the lodestone. “Let her go as you promised.” I wanted to get this over with.
    Hephaestus took it out of my hands with greedy eyes. He held it up and examined it, then placed that stone with the other two he pulled out from his pocket.  “Oh…I don’t think I had promised you your mother back, but you can take your father, which you already did without my permission. And if the weaklings that you just set free can out run the vultures I’m about to let loose, they are free to go. And by the way, your friends that are hiding can come out and watch this revelation.”
    Step two of our plan was working so far, but the unexpected set back was my mom. What would we do now? My friends came out of the shadows with their backs against the wall, looking frightened but ready for war.
    “Welcome,” Hephaestus announced. “I’m so glad you could join the party. We can celebrate…me. Your new, soon-to-be king of your land. Now that Hades is dead, and I have the three stones in my possession, nothing is impossible.”
    After his short speech, he tossed the three stones straight up. When they fell, they magnetized together to become one in midair. Spinning in circles, it glowed like the colors of the rainbow, then a gas-like form seeped into Hephaestus’s body. Little did he know that Tara was creating this magic trick and using her powers to transform Hephaestus back to Steven.
    It was gruesome to see the transformation as his face and body morphed. Steven touched his cheek, nose, and eyes, then looked down to his body as he was transforming. He looked so pleased and satisfied that it seemed as though nothing else mattered at that moment.
    “Now!” Mason directed, and everyone threw smoke bombs. These had been created by Zara and Tara, at Colin’s suggestion, and were the size of small rocks that could be easily hidden. Step three of the plan was in progress.
    One landed in front of me, meant to confuse Hephaestus and giving me an advantage to snatch the stones. Having all three stones in my possession, I slipped on the cape Zara tossed to me and became invisible. She had managed to creep closer while Hephaestus was busy watching himself. Narcissistic ass.
    Nick and Noah stepped in front, step four of the plan. They were supposed to distract him so I could get a head start to the portal…only I took a detour. I was going against our plan, but I couldn’t help it. Everett and Amanda were

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