From Furies Forged (Free Fleet Book 5)

From Furies Forged (Free Fleet Book 5) by Michael Chatfield

Book: From Furies Forged (Free Fleet Book 5) by Michael Chatfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael Chatfield
the line. Though those sources weren't saying much right now just in case the Kalu had another Ashota in their ranks.
                  Though none of that was on her mind as she watched the delegates from thirteen systems filed into an auditorium. HAPA's and commandos stopped anyone else from entering.
                  Evelyn knew what was going on, her contact within the Kuruvians Empire had told her about Elisati of Worshun's talk with Rick as well as Min Hae's own suggestions to create a new Union to bind the systems together with trade, medical aid, schooling and mutual military support.
                  She checked her appearance in her mirror before looking to Tuvio, her Chaleelian camera creature.
                  “Ready?” She asked but she hardly had to, Tuvio had been her personal camera man since she’d made Parnmal her headquarters.
                  “Just waiting on you,” He said with a smile.
                  She rolled her eyes before settling into her professional mask.
                  “This is Evelyn Sparks with an exclusive report on the events happening behind me in one of the Free Fleet's auditorium,” she paused letting that sink into her viewers before she continued.
                  “The Union seems to be breathing new life today as the Free Fleet are discussing bringing back the old institution. Behind these doors nine systems including the Kuruvian Empire are debating how they are going to bring back the Union. Even in these times of turmoil the Free Fleet are pushing to restart the Union,” she disliked that last sentence. She had issues with the Free Fleet, they weren’t perfect and someone needed tyo make sure that they didn’t overstep their bounds. She recognized their power and also how they tried to make the best decision for the majority. At the end of the day it was a limited military dictatorship. A fact that mattered little with war on their doorstep.
                  While others bitched and moaned about budgets and testing, making half-assed efforts to build something to stop the Kalu, the Free Fleet were pouring everything they had into the defense of those that stood with them.
                  She wondered what the Free Fleet might look like after all of the conflict was done.
                  First we have to survive, and our best bet is the Free Fleet, not the politicians that complain and hide behind masks and colorful words.
                  Elisati looked around the room, wondering if these people around her would be the ones to bring the Union back into creation. It was a terrifying moment and it was exhilarating. It was as if she had somehow taken the seed that Min Hae had reminded her of and she had given it life. She had started a process that could end in the Union coming back, something that she hadn’t thought possible even months ago.
                  It could turn into a monster of a creation that made the old Union, or even the chaos that ensued when the Syndicate were in control—look better by comparision.
                  Now it was out in the open there was no way that she could stop it from growing.
                  Not with the support that Salchar is giving from behind the scenes. Though I don’t understand why he doesn’t want the Free Fleet to be the military force of the Union. With it being the protective force of the Merchant fleet it gives them the ability to act autonomously. That might be a reason. If the new PDF becomes restive then the Free Fleet can be there to take up the contract and do what the PDF won't. It would make them our contracting forces to operate outside of Union's sphere of influence. The

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