Friends and Lovers
together a couple of times. He had a hog as badass as mine – he still might, but he moved to North Carolina just before I came home – and we used to take them out on the weekends. Didn’t I ever tell you about Joshua?”
    “No,” Jack said shortly. His hands were tight on the steering wheel. He could feel Tom’s eyes on him. “Did you share a bed when you came here?”
    “Jack, Joshua was my friend, not my lover. I needed a friend. You’d told me…”
    “All right, I get it.” Jack turned his head briefly and glared at him. “It was my fault.”
    “Don’t be such an asshole. It didn’t have anything to do with you. I was looking for a place to stay in Tallahassee, and he helped me find one. We hit it off and became friends, and that’s all there is to it. I did. Not. Sleep. With. Him. Is that clear?”
    “Yeah.” Jack winced at how sullen that sounded.
    “If you believe me...” He poked Jack’s shoulder. “Why are you getting so bent out of shape about him then?”
    “Because I know you, Tom,” he burst out. “You’ve had plenty of lovers…” Tom looked surprised, which pissed Jack off. Did Tom think he was unaware of how he’d lived his life? “… and they didn’t mean a thing to you. But a friend…” Jack risked another glance at him. “I’m sorry. You’ve never talked much about your time in Florida, except to talk about your granddaddy. I guess it… well, it’s thrown me.”
    “You’re my lover, Jack, and my best friend.” A warm hand rested on Jack’s thigh, kneading the muscle. “You’re the only one who’s ever been both things to me, and that means a hell of a lot to me. You mean a hell of a lot to me.”
    “Thank you.” Those two words came out gruffly, and he cleared his throat. It meant a great deal to him too, more than he thought Tom realized.
    “Asshole. Now, if you’ve got that out of your system… You have got that out of your system, haven’t you?”
    Jack laughed and nodded.
    “Okay, then tell me about where we’ll be staying.”
    “Clinch House Inn.” He waited for Tom to comment on it.
    “It doesn’t ring a bell. It must be fairly new.”
    “It’s a few years old.” Jack blew out a sigh of relief. He’d have hated it if Tom had been here with someone else, even if the guy was just a friend. “It’s on the southern tip of the island, and according to its website, it’s not only got a breathtaking view, but it’s gay-friendly as well. I… I wanted our first vacation as a couple to be perfect.”
    “Ah, Jack. That’s so sweet. Thank you.” Tom leaned over and kissed his cheek.
    “Hold that thought. We’re here. When I get you up to our room…”
    “Oh, yes? Think you’re going to top me?”
    Jack grinned. “Oh, I know I will.” Since Tom had shown him the wonders of being a bottom boy, Jack had actually found he preferred it, although sometimes he still liked to be on top. “Your ass is gonna be mine this weekend, Tommy Boy, and you’re gonna love every minute of it!”
    “Yeah. I will.” There was heat in Tom’s voice, and Jack felt his cock twitch. Tom liked those times too. This was going to be such a great weekend.
    He turned his pickup into the circular drive that fronted the hotel and parked. They got out, and he took a suitcase from the passenger compartment of his pickup. He had actually packed clothes for them, in case they decided to see the sights or have dinner in the hotel’s restaurant, although Clinch House Inn’s website boasted of amazing room service.
    A valet parking attendant approached them. He was dressed in a muscle tee that bared his tanned, six-pack abs, and denim shorts that hung low and snug on his hips, so snug it was evident he wore nothing under them.
    “Welcome to Clinch House Inn.” He gave Jack a sunny smile and a chit in exchange for the truck’s key.
    “Close your mouth, buddy,” Tom said in a soft undertone. The attendant got in the truck and started the engine. “You’ll catch

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