Friends and Lovers
been together for nine months now was a big thing, for Tom because he’d never done any kind of relationship, long term or otherwise, and for Jack because – well, he was pretty new to this gay thing and was still feeling his way.
    “Where are we going, Jack?”
    “It’s a surprise.” Jack hoped that would be enough to get his lover out of bed. “Here. Have a Coke. It’ll wake you up.”
    Tom started to look interested. He accepted the can with its condensation beading down the side and took a gulp. “This surprise doesn’t involve me, whipped cream, and Bosco, does it?”
    “It could, if you want it to.” Jack knew his smile was nothing short of sly. His Tommy Boy did have a thing for whipped cream and chocolate syrup.
    “Well, hell. Why didn’t you say so?” He put down the soda can. “Why don’t you make breakfast, and I’ll get packed?”
    “We can have breakfast on the road, and I already packed for you.” He held up Tom’s toothbrush. “See?”
    Tom burst out laughing. “Do I at least have time for a shower?”
    “If you make it a quick one.”
    “I hear and obey, O, Big One!” Tom got out of bed, and Jack watched as he crossed the floor to the bathroom. On his left butt cheek was a small purple love bite.
    Now that’s just wrong, Jack mused, noting that the other cheek was unmarked. I wouldn’t want Tom’s ass to think I was playing favorites. I’ll just have to do something about that.
    “You say something, Jack?”
    “Nope.” Jack grinned at him and pulled off his shirt without bothering with the buttons.
    Tom grinned back at him, clearly enjoying the impromptu strip tease. “I thought you said something about leaving right away.”
    “Well, as I see it, another five minutes won’t hurt.”
    “Five minutes? Oh, Jack, don’t y’all love me any more?”
    Suddenly serious, Jack framed his lover’s face. “You know I do, babe.”  He kissed him, and his cock went from half-hard to all-the-way-there in nothing flat. He’d never thought kissing another man could be like this. When he and Tom had originally hooked up, one of his conditions had been no lip locks. He tightened his grip on Tom.
    “Jack? What’s wrong?”
    He couldn’t tell him that he’d been swamped by the thought of what he’d nearly missed out on. He chuckled. “Just thinking that kissing you is one of the wonders of the world, babe. I pity all the guys who won’t get to kiss you, who’ll never get to know what an experience kissing you can be.”
    “Really?” Tom was actually blushing.
    “Really.” Although he didn’t add that while he might pity those nameless, faceless men, he wasn’t about to give any of them a chance to learn what Tom’s kisses were like. He let him go and stepped back. “Now get in the shower.”
    Tom paused in the doorway and gave him a sultry wink. “Are you going to join me?”
    Around the beginning of the year, Tom had been required to attend a seminar hosted by his alma mater, Florida State U. Jack had taken that opportunity to do a little remodeling. He’d installed a Jacuzzi tub, but the piece de résistance was the stand-alone shower. It had dual shower heads, detachable spray, and adjustable full body massage, and best of all, it was comfortable enough to hold two men, even if one of them was as big as he was.
    Jack waggled his eyebrows. “I’m going to join you.”
    A couple of hours later than he’d anticipated – although he considered the delay well worth it – Jack drove across the bridge onto…
    “Amelia Island, Jack?”
    “Yeah. Is that okay with you?” He turned onto the road that would take them to Clinch House Inn, the beach-front hotel he’d selected for them.
    “Oh, yeah! I came here with my friend Joshua, and we had a blast!”
    “Joshua?” Tom had never mentioned him when he’d talked about this island. Jack began to wonder if he’d made a mistake choosing to come here.
    “Yeah. I met him after I graduated from FSU. We came here

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