didn’t get thrown out of Stirling Castle before the end of the party. But it was a good day,” Nate said as he winked at his wife across the table.
Deanna, Nate, Holly, Alice, Ethan and Jamie were sat around the large kitchen table in their home enjoying an evening meal later that day.
Jamie had been hesitant at first but had relaxed as the evening went on, Alice mothering him which made him a little embarrassed but also pleased to have someone fuss over him. He hadn’t had a lot of that during his childhood.
“Keep going on the same path and you’re likely to become a Raven one day. If that’s something you’d be interested in?” Nate asked Jamie, curious about his reply as Jamie had settled in so well and was popular with everyone.
The expression on Jamie’s face was filled with so much happiness that it was obvious to all those around what his answer would be.
“I’d like that very much. Thank you Nate,” Jamie said.
“You’re alright lad. After what you did for Deanna I’d give you anything. You’ve proved yourself more than once and we all like having you around. How about tomorrow you can help out fixing the bike I’m working on. I’ll teach you a few things if you want to learn?”
“Thank you,” Jamie said quietly, secretly thrilled. Deanna and Alice smiled at Nate, knowing he was giving the boy something which had been sadly lacking in his life.
“Right, I’d better get cleaned up,” Deanna said as she stood up and started to clear the plates away.
Nate kissed her and lifted Holly out of her high chair cuddling her as the men left to sit in the living room.
“Alice, go put your feet up, love. I’ll clear away. You look exhausted,” Deanna said as Alice was about to help her tidy up.
“Thanks, hen. That wee one is a terror. I can understand what they mean by the terrible two’s. I need eyes in the back of my head with her,” Alice said fondly, tired after a day running around after her adorable granddaughter.
Alice sank into one of the couches in the living room, smiling as she watched Nate, Ethan and surprisingly Jamie playing with Holly. Holly had a sweet gentle disposition, very unlike her biological father, and seemed to draw people to her.
Jamie had smiled pleased when Holly had toddled over to him and wrapped her arms around his legs as soon as he walked through the door earlier that night. It had been the first time he’d met the little girl and he could tell that she was very much loved by all of them and was the spitting image of her beautiful mother.
After loading the dishwasher Deanna joined Nate on the couch, snuggling into his side as Holly climbed onto her knee and wrapped her arms around her, Alice snoring softly from the opposite couch.
They settled in to watch an action movie on television when a few minutes later a very unladylike snore from Alice echoed around the room and Holly burst out giggling as Nate and Ethan sniggered. Deanna and Jamie tried to keep a straight face as all the noise actually woke Alice up who looked around the room in confusion.
“What was that noise?” Alice asked sleepily and they all descended into laughter.
“What?” she asked again.
“Nothing Ma. Come on, bed time,” Ethan said as he walked over to his mum and helped her up.
“Good night all,” Alice yawned as Holly jumped up and hugged her grandma, a happy smile on Alice’s face as she wandered down the corridor, Ethan following.
“I’ll get this wee one to sleep,” Nate said as he held a sleepy Holly in his large arms and walked out of the room, carrying her like the precious bundle she was.
Deanna turned back and smiled at Jamie who had a contented look on his face.
“Was the food alright?” she asked him. She’d watched in amazement as he’d guzzled his food down like he was starving, his appetite nearly as big as Nate’s.
“It was great. Cheers Deanna.”
“I’m glad. I’ve never actually asked, but how old are you? You seem very young to be
Elizabeth Wein
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