Freedom Fight: Beginnings Series Book 9

Freedom Fight: Beginnings Series Book 9 by Jacqueline Druga

Book: Freedom Fight: Beginnings Series Book 9 by Jacqueline Druga Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jacqueline Druga
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Beginnings that we have problems. I haven’t spoken to them in almost a week . . . O.K.” George calmed down. “Now if we can scour this continent for the four million our scientists estimate are alive, we can scour the west for them. We have to nail this resistance and we have to build a force that can take them out with the precision they are taking us out.”
    Another man at the table raised his hand. “We’ve been shipping our elite to Alabama. We still need a better guidance in training there.”
    “I’m working on that. Right now, this resistance takes precedence. Gentlemen, we have to find them before Beginnings does. I received word this morning our ships will be done in approximately a month, two tops. I’d like to launch them with our men, but I’d like to do that with nothing else on my mind. The last thing we need is this country going into civil war. I’m afraid . . .” George paused as he stared at the faces at the table, “if we don’t end this soon that is exactly where we’re headed.”
Beginnings, Montana
    Joe grinned as he swiveled in his desk chair, reading the papers Henry hand delivered from the communications room.
    “Never, ever.” Joe snapped forward laying the papers down, “since we located George, have we seen this much activity from him.”
    “Twenty-two calls,” Henry indicated, “were made to Quantico in the past five hours alone.”
    “He definitely knows we know his location and he know he’s too big for us to take out. That’s why he’s letting all these calls in. So . . .” Joe leaned back. “Did you tell George, Henry? Huh?”
    “Oh my God, Joe. How can you say that to me?”
    “Just kidding,” Joe laughed and read the papers. “But still, all these calls indicate something is up. It looks more like panic instead of check ins. My gut tells me Georgie boy may be having some problems.”
Bowman, North Dakota
    “No!” The Captain called out, racing into the field where his men trained on horses. “No.” He tossed his cigarette and grabbed the reigns of a horse, stopping it. A frightened young man of eighteen sat upon the animal. “Son, speed is important. Speed. Precision in the sweep is secondary. Trust me, you swing down at a man with your sword going full speed it’s not going to matter where you slice him. He’s doing down. But if you are not doing it with speed, he will see you coming, and he will take you from that horse. The most vital thing is that you returned home to us in the same shape you left. That is why you must do this correctly. Understand?”
    The young man nodded slowly.
    “Good boy. Now impress me because I know you can.” With a smiling nod, The Captain stepped back then walked to his observing and training position. He heard the call of his name and turned to Sgt. Ryder, one of The Captain’s most trusted men. A thin man, in his thirties, his dark hair and Mexican features made him look fierce. Sgt. Elliott Ryder was the Captain’s right hand man because he was strategically intelligent and of course, a pre plague friend.
    “Yes, Sergeant.” The Captain kept his view on his training men.
    “We have news you may not like.”
    “What is it?” The captain smiled, watching the young man speed across the field. He called out to training boy. “Yes! That’s it! Excellent!”
    “Captain,” Sgt. Ryder spoke again.
    “I’m sorry. What is it?” The captain faced him and was handed a sheet of paper. The smile left his face. “When did our scouts return with this?”
    “Just no w, sir.”
    “All right.” The Captain handed the paper back. He stayed calm. “Let those scouts rest and send two of our best, one north, one south. Scout out both Society camps there. I want numbers, buildings, positions, and armory on those camps and I need them immediately. If we have The Society that close to us, we have to get rid of them.”
    “Yes sir. I’m on it.” Sgt. Ryder stepped back with a

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