broke through his dream and Kade opened his eyes. Not quite in the land of the living, with visions of Harley in his arms, Kade didn’t hesitate when the scent of vanilla overpowered his senses. He reached up, grabbed hold of her neck, and dragged her onto the bed with him. He pinned her body with his as she gasped and then covered her mouth and began his dreamlike seduction all over again.
    “Been dreaming of doing this since I laid eyes on you at seventeen,” he mumbled as he attacked her mouth.
    Encased within the curtains surrounding his bed, Kade grabbed her shirt and pulled it from her shorts as Harley tried to catch her breath.
    “Kade, stop, we can’t—”
    “I left you alone ‘cause I was too messed up and wild for someone like you,” Kade continued, still caught between dream and reality. “But you stayed with me all these years. Christ, you were the sweetest and purest thing I’d ever seen,” he whispered as he filled his hand with a breast so soft it made him want to worship at the altar of her body.
    “Kade,” Harley gasped when he ran the palm of his hand over her hardened nipple. “You have to stop, the doctor is talking to Hinkle, but they’ll be here any minute. You have to—Oh, God . . . .”
    “I knew you immediately that day at your dad’s garage. I’d been dreaming about you long enough. I’d know you anywhere, Harley,” he whispered, punctuating his confession with tender kisses up her neck.
    Pulling back, he looked down at her swollen lips and grinned, feeling arrogant that he’d put that look on her face. He was about to lean down to kiss her again, determined to wipe away any memory she had of other men, when he remembered he wasn’t the only man he knew who had kissed them recently. “Finally tasting your sweet lips reminded me of something . . . I don’t want you alone with D,” he ordered as the reality of his situation came crashing back in. The drug-induced dream was gone, replaced with total awareness and an overwhelming possessiveness. He was stuck in prison while she was free to see whomever she wanted.
    “What?” she gasped.
    Moving his lips back to her mouth, unable to keep from kissing her, he mumbled, “Wait for me, baby,” before he captured her mouth in another kiss, knowing he had to release her soon before they were caught.
    Having her beneath him as he’d envisioned over the years, he couldn’t help himself. As he swept his tongue back into her sweet mouth, he ground himself between her open legs and his cock grew harder. Moving to her ear, he nipped it, then ran his nose down her neck, his tongue snaking out to taste her skin so he’d have that memory to get through the long prison nights. His hand stayed buried beneath her shirt, his thumb flicking her nipple of its own accord as he moved back and plundered her sweet mouth one last time. “Wait for me, gorgeous,” he mumbled again against her quivering lips. She was shaking from top to toe, her breathing erratic as she lost herself in his passion.
    They finally heard footsteps and Hinkle’s voice calling out to her, so they disentangled quickly from one and other. The curtain that surrounded his bed had hid their passion from prying eyes, but he knew she only had a moment to keep from being caught in his arms.
    It burned in his gut that he was scrambling around like some kid afraid of being caught. That his life wasn’t his own, that he’d have to let her leave when he finally had her where he’d wanted her since high school. What he wanted was to strip her clothes off and sink into her warm depths as they cemented their relationship. Instead, he was forced to lie there and watch as she tried to pull herself together so she wasn’t fired from her job. He felt less than a man and wanted to ram his fist into something hard to vent his frustration.
    “Did you get what you needed from Kingston?” Hinkle asked as he pulled back the curtain that surrounded his bed. Hinkle paused at the entrance

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