Fosters: Blackhawk
just checking to see if she's ok because
you're so concerned?"  He fuckin pissed spitting the words
    "I really was just checking.  I feel bad
that she was drugged and I didn't help her."  I say standing
    He punches me again.  "You should you
fuckin pussy.  She's got Brothers protection, it doesn't
matter how fuckin pissed you are, you help.  You've got no
business being here without calling first, you've got no right to
be here at all.  I'm all in with her Brother and you're not
fuckin welcome."  He walks back in the house and closes the
    I see him hitting the alarm pad. 
Fuck.  I should have called.  He's all in with her. 
When the fuck did that happen?  Fuck.  I wipe my face
seeing blood.  Fuck.  I get in my truck and my phone
rings.  I look at it and groan, fuckin Steve; I swipe it,
    "Get to Security."  Is all I get. 
He's gone.  Fuck!  
    What the fuck am I doing?  I was the guy
that gave advice and here I am fuckin it up with my Brothers. 
I drive to Security.  Pulling in I see Danny's truck and Pres'
bike.  Fuck, this isn't going to be good.  When I open
the door the Officers are in the hall talking.  They look at
me and walk into the meeting room.  Not even a fuckin nod in
the bunch.  This is so fuckin bad.  
    I take a seat and look at Pres, he's pissed.
 "You're lucky it was Cloud opening the door.  After what
you did yesterday and what happened last night, her opening the
door to see you could have damaged her further.  Tell me what
the fuck is up with you Rob."  
    I take a breath.  "I don't know.  I
just wanted to see if she was ok.  I should have helped her
last night and felt bad."  
    "Fuckin showed up without a call. 
A-fuckin-gain."  VP says in that monotone voice.  A chill
runs down my spine. 
    I run my hand down my face wincing at the pain
and wonder what the fuck I look like.  "I forgot about
    Rich stands up.  "Is this a normal pattern
for you?  Do you just show up on their doorsteps?" He's
    I just now realize I'm sitting in a room with
stone cold killers that are all pissed at me.  Fuck I need to
calm them down.  I look around the table; Tiny, VP and Danny
are watching me. "You should be nervous, stupid fuck. 
Protection means from everythin and everyone.  You get no pass
for bein an Officer."  
    I nod at him.  "I don't know what it is
about her, something keeps drawing me in.  I should have
helped her last night but I was pissed after the meeting with Pres
and Danny.  I ignored it."  
    "Every one of our old ladies draw another
brother close.  Everyone has a Brother that isn't a spouse
that they can count on.  You're stepping over the line that no
other Brother before has.  She needs protection and instead of
taking Cloud's back with her, you fucked it up."  Danny says
looking right at me.
    I say his words over thinking he's gone off.
 "What the fuck are you talking about?"
    Tiny looks over, "Fuck Brother, every old lady
has a Brother that's drawn to them.  Kate has me, Jess has
Pres, Kelly has Jared, Mary has Doc,  Nancy has Danny, and
Tess has Steve then every one of us, because she's special, the
list goes on but all those Brothers protect those old ladies and
have their men's back.  It's always been that way starting
with Jess.  You should have Cloud's back and be the first to
stand up to protect CJ."  
    I look around the table as I'm thinking about
the old ladies.  Fuck me, he's right, now he says it I see it
clear as day.  "Fuck why didn't someone tell me?"  
    "We all just know.  I got Deirdre, Bull
understands and we've never talked about it. It just is." Patches
    "How do I make it right?"  I look at each
one of them stopping on VP.
    "You can't.  She don't trust you and
neither does Cloud.  They got no reason to let you in. 
Fuck, don't trust you my fuckin self with her."  He's not
pissed or spitting his words out but fuck that hurts.  
    "Don't go back there, don't call,

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