Fostering Love (The Soul Sisters Series Book 1)

Fostering Love (The Soul Sisters Series Book 1) by Victoria Johns

Book: Fostering Love (The Soul Sisters Series Book 1) by Victoria Johns Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Johns
different colors of the wild flowers but notice my mind is drawn to the bright yellow of the Goldenrod plant and the different shades of pink of the wild roses.  I quickly twist my head and follow a few birds that are flying between the trees as if they’re trying to suss out why we’re here.  Lastly, I tilt my head back to look at the sky as my mind quickly calculates the sun, its position and the light it’s going to offer me.  I watch the clouds to see how they move, how they break apart, reform and think about how they will enhance my photographs.
    “Every time I see you get involved in your subject or surroundings you’re mesmerizing and I could watch you for hours.”  It’s a huge compliment to a photographer; I blush and smile because I know I’ve been caught in the moment.
    “Wally always taught me that a photographer has to see first before they can capture something, he says that our main aim is to evoke the passion we see, in the person looking at the picture.  You need them to see what you see at that exact moment in a particular place.”
    “What you do is felt in your pictures Dolly, you can see the passion and love for what you do.  It’s more than just a way for you to make rent and that shows, it’s a part of who you are.”  He makes me blush again, but this time it’s with pride and a sense of knowing that at least one person sees what taking a picture does for me.
    “Anyway, today will be tough.  I’ve got to draw them into the shot, cram in that feeling and keep them looking for more without the picture being focused on a living person or breathing creature.”
    “You’ll do it,” he says this with a confident nod.
    “OK.  The order of the day walk around the path and get hazy shots of the lake, different shots of scenery with other things in the foreground and background.  I’ll flip the lake too between the foreground and background as the subject of the picture.  I will also try and get shots of any wildlife we see.  I’m going to attempt some angle stuff as we come across it, so may take them from on the boulders and up in the trees, that kind of thing.  As we move round, remind me to keep an eye on cloud formation, it will do ace things for the lake as the day goes on.  When the sun really gets going, I’d like to wander round and get some aspects of the scenery making the most of the natural sunshine.  We’ll have lunch and then lastly, we’ll scuba up my babies for a few water perspective shots.  We’ll have a wade out and see what’s what when the water is almost at eye level.  If I’m feeling brave I may venture out behind the waterfall to get one from behind there looking back out at the lake.  I’m thinking I’ll carry the smaller camera and hook the big one up to the tripod for you to carry round.  We’ll leave the lockbox here and keep moving it with us when it falls out of eye sight, how does that sound?”
    “Sure Gold Leader. Battle stations manned and armed. Roger that,” he says like a soldier underling so I smile back at him.
    “Let’s get my babies ready then.”  We both then start to unpack the box, with me asking for stuff and him passing it, or him holding stuff as I change bits and pieces.  After twenty minutes and a check, double check of the kit, then some test shots and checking of those we begin.
    Tommy is great; he follows and seems to understand when I want something doing, even if it’s just that extra set of hands to hold something whilst I change a filter.  We don’t really talk unless he asks a question about something I’m doing or calls me to indicate he’s spotted something of interest that I might like to include in the shoot.  After a while we’re both appreciating the calm and beauty this place brings and the only other noise besides nature is my own breathing and the quiet click of my camera shutter.  There are a few times when I see something that would make a great image of blended shots so in

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