Fortune & Fame: A Novel
though she wasn’t supposed to still be in bed. She was supposed to be getting up and getting ready for church. And she would have been if it hadn’t been for Jasmine.
    Natasia had a plan. But then Jasmine had blown it up, just like she’d done the last time. At least with the plan she’d had in New York, no time nor thought had been put into it. After all, it was just a phone call. And a call could always be intercepted, exactly the way Jasmine had intercepted her call to Hosea.
    But this time, Natasia had a good plan. A sophisticated plan. A plan that was simple and obvious. Reality shows usually taped six days a week, Monday through Saturday, with Sundays off. But this was a show about First Ladies. So, didn’t it makesense to tape a couple of segments with the First Ladies and their husbands during a Sunday service?
    Not that Natasia didn’t need today off after spending the last week with these ladies. Maybe if she had watched more reality TV, she would have been prepared for the nonstop brawls. So far, the fights had been verbal, but she knew they were one eye roll, one finger in the face away from something really jumping off.
    It had started on Tuesday, when Natasia thought she’d give Rachel a chance to look better on camera. Her first appearance on Monday hadn’t been so great; all about Rachel’s temper tantrum after finding out Jasmine and Mary had been added to the show. So, Natasia had come up with an idea to do a little damage control.
    Of course, Natasia had an ulterior motive. It had only taken her about five minutes to figure out that she didn’t like any of the women chosen for the show, but she could say she liked Jasmine the least. And as the EP, she wasn’t about to let Jasmine come off as the shining star.
    But when Natasia took the idea to Rachel, she hadn’t cooperated.
    “What do you mean you want me to apologize to Jasmine?” Rachel had said with her head seemingly twisting in every direction. “I don’t have to be sorry for nothin’ and I’m not sorry.”
    If Jasmine hadn’t been standing right there, Natasia would’ve clearly laid out her plan, but instead, all she could say was, “We’re just trying to make sure that the people watching the show will get a fair view of all of you.”
    It seemed like Rachel got the hint, but then the cameras started rolling. Jasmine sauntered into the restaurant like there were no cares in her world. A minute later, Rachel stomped in, slid into the seat across from Jasmine, and with a sugary smile and tone, said, “So, you wanted to meet so that you could apologize?”
    Chauncey had lowered the camera and asked Natasia, “Do you want to start all over?”
    Natasia shook her head. “No, let’s see how this plays out.”
    If Rachel had planned to throw Jasmine off with that little flipping of the script, she didn’t. Jasmine went straight into her role. “Yes, Rachel,” and then she’d clutched the pearls she was wearing. “I am so sorry that you didn’t know that I was going to be on the show. You know, I would’ve called you if I knew that you hadn’t been told.”
    “Yeah, well someone should’ve told me.”
    “I agree. But I’m glad you came here so that I could apologize. I don’t want any problems with you or Mary. We’re all just women who love the Lord and we love our husbands. There should never be any animosity among any of us.”
    “Oh, so you’re the peacekeeper, huh?”
    “I guess you can say I am. ’Cause you know what the Bible says in Matthew.”
    Rachel frowned, looking like maybe she’d never read that particular book in the Bible.
    “It’s one of the beatitudes,” Jasmine said, reaching across the table and patting Rachel’s hand. “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God.”
    Rachel nodded her head slowly. “Well, I guess it’s only right that you’re the peacemaker.”
    Jasmine smiled and nodded.
    “I mean, being that you’re the matron of the group. Were you

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