Forrest, Dawn - Alphas' Prize [WeresRus] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Forrest, Dawn - Alphas' Prize [WeresRus] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Dawn Forrest

Book: Forrest, Dawn - Alphas' Prize [WeresRus] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Dawn Forrest Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn Forrest
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contact her until she knew more about her own situation.
    “You’re finding it hard to concentrate because you are apart from your mates,” Hawke said gently.
    Was the man a mind reader?
    Mike’s eyebrows shot up, and Angela squealed in delight, “Oh congratulations, who is the lucky male?”
    “Mates, as in plural?” Mike picked up on his words.
    “They just met a few minutes ago, and I had to tranq’ the guys,” Hawke spoke for her. “It’s Vladimir and Yuri Volkov.”
    The pair on the chair looked stunned.
    “ Both Russians?” Angela said at last with a gulp.
    Mike whistled. “That’ll be some mating and bonding,” he murmured and looked at her with new appreciation.
    Angela blushed. Again Jo felt frustrated at knowing so little, and it was worse with her mind not firing on all cylinders.
    “Angela, your type of scent is pleasant and familiar to me. It’s a little similar to a friend of mine’s. I thought it was unique to Lynne, but I must be wrong.”
    “I’m a Were female. My dad is a werewolf. Your friend must be a Were.”
    “No, that can’t be right. Here’s her scarf.” She reached up to her neck only to discover that the scarf wasn’t there. “Oh, I must have lost it when I rolled off the bike.”
    “Rolled off the bike? Are you okay?” Angela asked, sounding puzzled and concerned.
    “Yeah, I’m fine. I was escaping from them…my, er, mates.” She frowned and quickly changed the uncomfortable topic of the Russian twins. “I’ve met Lynne’s parents, and they definitely aren’t Were. I must have made a mistake.” But there really was a similarity, although it was clouded by the mating process.
    “What’s the strength of Jo’s scent now? It went to dizzying proportions when she was near the Russians,” Hawke asked Mike.
    “S’okay. I can resist it because I now have Angela, but I recommend that you keep the cotton wool in or wear nose plugs until after…” he trailed off, and his eyes darted to her.
    “What?” she asked.
    For a few seconds no one spoke, until Angela cleared her throat. “Oh, for goodness’s sake, you guys talk about and have sex all the time, why the sudden shyness? Jo, once true-mates have sex they begin a sort of pre-bonding process. The more you’re with them”—Angela made a linking hand gesture so that there would be no misinterpretation—“the more you take on their scent. It’s a warning to other males to stay away. It isn’t permanent, unlike when the full bond is formed on a full moon. In normal circumstances, once the permanent mating bond is in place, you will no longer be compatible with any other Were.”
    There was silence for a second while she absorbed that information.
    “Well that’ll be a fuckin’ relief,” she said without thinking.
    Angela chuckled
    “Er, yes, well, back to what happens now,” Hawke said, sounding as if he’d rather be anywhere else than in a room discussing sex with her. “Soon all the unmated Alphas will be back. We will arrange a full Council meeting tomorrow to discuss you and your mother’s situation. I can put you in a secure cabin on the estate with mated men for protection, or you can stay with Vladimir and Yuri in their cabin. Their mating musk should lessen the effect of your scent.”
    “I don’t know them.” It seemed the obvious yet lame thing to say, and under the circumstances she didn’t think it was that important.
    Hawke’s expression softened. “I expect our ways are strange to you. Your body and the beast within you know enough. They are your mates, Joanna, and you will be safer with them. This would be a good time to get to know a little about them as men, before the full-moon run. No one will force you to mate and bond. I promise that.”
    The look on his face told her that he thought they wouldn’t have to. Still, she was thankful for his words of support and guidance, which made her feel more confident about her mom’s situation.
    “I want to go to them.” She did,

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