Forgotten (Shattered Sisters Book 2)

Forgotten (Shattered Sisters Book 2) by MAGGIE SHAYNE

Book: Forgotten (Shattered Sisters Book 2) by MAGGIE SHAYNE Read Free Book Online
Tags: Book 2, Shattered Sisters
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she was lying. He had no doubt. The way her eyes couldn't quite hold his, the quick tightening of her jaw. It was surprising how quickly he'd learned the signs.
    She shoved her plate away, obviously ready to change the subject. And again it was clear to him how much she disliked lying to him. "You know, I'm getting a little bored with this sitting around the house all the time. Are you up for a little recreation?"
    "What did you have in mind?"
    "Something that requires physical exertion."
    He cocked one brow. "You're not thinking of dragging me into a cave somewhere are you?"
    She laughed aloud. "Not until your head’s a little better. And we won't bother with the exercise room because I don't want to hang around the house." Her gaze traveled down to his chest and a speculative gleam lit her eyes. "You're in great shape. What do you do to keep from going to pot?"
    "You mean you'd be willing to try a little one-on-one?"
    She leaned forward, hands propping her chin, elbows on the table. "Only if you're talking basketball."
    "You wouldn't stand a chance. Too short."
    "Sounds like a challenge to me."

    An hour later she was standing on a concrete outdoor court, wearing a loose-fitting tank over a pale gray sports bra, a pair of black spandex shorts, and high top Chucks. Red. The court was behind a school, but school was out, so they had it to themselves. The grass had been mowed that morning, and it smelled so potently fresh that the air was almost tinted green. The ball wasn't old. It still had that new-ball smell.
    She dribbled close to the ground, which was an advantage of being short. The rough texture of the ball felt good on her palm. The sun on her back felt even better. Ash towered over her, arms spread, trying to keep her from making any progress. She faked right, then drove left, ducking under his arm and charging to the basket for a layup worthy of the WNBA, she thought.
    The ball hit the hot blacktop, bounced twice and rolled to a stop at Ash's feet. He didn't look at it. He was looking at her with something that might best be labeled amused wonder.
    "I never would’ve guessed."
    "Don't just stand there, big guy. We're here to sweat, remember?"
    He picked up the ball and began a lazy dribble away from the net as she came nearer to guard him. Then in a burst of speed he spun backward, pivoted to face the basket and executed a perfect jump shot from a foot beyond the line.
    In no time at all, they were both damp with sweat beneath the July sun. Joey's once-neat ponytail dripped straggles that stuck to her face no matter how often she swept them away. Ash swiped a hand across his forehead. His dark hair curled wildly and his face was alive with color. The sleeveless, collarless sweatshirt he wore had dark spots in the center of his chest and back.
    "What do you say we take a break?" Joey tossed the ball into Ash's chest. He caught it with a quick, reflexive move.
    "Admitting defeat, are you?" He smiled as he said it.
    "Not on your life. I just don't want to have to carry you back to the car."
    "Fat chance. You're just afraid
end up carrying
to the car."
    "Ha!" She put her hands on her hips in a taunting gesture. "You're so wiped out you couldn't if you had to!"
    "Lady, you just made a tactical error." He dropped the ball and lunged forward, scooping her up so fast she didn't have time to dodge him. She struggled, but she was laughing so hard it weakened her. He held her tight to his chest, one strong arm under her knees, the other just beneath her shoulders.
    "What about the ball?"
    "Oh." He bent over it, letting her pick it up, then straightened and strode off toward the car. He picked up speed, nearly running over the sidewalk.
    "We'll see who's wiped out."
    "Watch out for that cat!"
    He skidded to a halt, frowning at the sidewalk just ahead. "What cat?" No sooner had he spoken, however, than a calico cat scrambled across the sidewalk just ahead of him. He looked down at Joey and shook his head. "How the hell

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