Forgotten Fears

Forgotten Fears by Michael Bray

Book: Forgotten Fears by Michael Bray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael Bray
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mumbled, even managing a smile as the thing carefully removed the hammer from his cheek and tossed it aside.
    “I... I don’t want to suffer…”
    The pulsing tentacle clad beast didn’t respond, it only watched. Waiting for the right time to do what it needed to do. As Billy sank into his hazy euphoria, he saw nothing in the things eyes. No kindness, no compassion, no empathy, no humanity. It was a beast. A creature with a task to complete.
    “It’s time.” The thing said, and although such a statement should frighten him, Billy barely acknowledged it. The warmth was so good, so comforting, that nothing else mattered.  He barely noticed when the ring of tentacles attached to his stomach retracted, taking the circle of skin with it. Blood pattered on the floor as the flap of skin and muscle was set aside, exposing his stomach cavity. There was no pain, or perhaps he was too far gone mentally to acknowledge it.
    That was part of me once. Billy thought absently as the thing reached its arm into his stomach. He could feel his innards being pushed aside, manipulated as the thing began its search, its remaining teeth gritted in determination. There was no pain. Instead, he saw flashes of his life, memories of things which had gone before. He saw his wedding day, how beautiful and full of hope Angeline had looked. He saw the day Tyler was born, quickly followed by the first day to his new job. All times when life seemed full of hope, full of possibilities.
    His world exploded into bright white light.
    I’m dead.
    The thought lasted only a split second because the thing in the Trans Energy uniform was screaming. It stood, withdrawing the tentacles and giving Billy back the pain it had taken away. He blinked and screamed as the agony seeped back into his body. It was only when he was free of that drug-like haze he understood what had happened.
    The power had come back on, the hallway light banishing the dark, and burning into the thing from Trans Energy like fire.  The creature grunted and squirmed as it staggered to its feet, its tentacles writhing and hissing as wispy black smoke began to pour off them. Billy watched as a single light bulb did what bullets couldn’t.  The stench which filled the hallway was acrid, thick and heavy as the thing’s tentacles melted. It dragged itself across the wall, leaving sticky black streaks behind as it staggered for the door, which it threw open hard enough to chip the wall where the handle slammed into it. It staggered outside and pushed past the two hanging bodies, which clattered against each other as the thing staggered away into the night, screaming in agony. He listened as the thing’s wails faded, and once again the house was quiet, but it was a good quiet. A natural quiet. He noticed now even a quiet house, one which had power, at least, made noise. The refrigerator hummed steadily, the heaters clicked as they powered up. It was good. It was normal. He also knew he was dying. He would never see Tyler grow up, he would never get to tell Angeline he loved her. He was fading. He knew his time was close.
    Sorry pal. It’s time to go.
    His trusty inner voice was right. There was nothing left to fight for. His stomach rolled, sending fresh agony raging through him, but he was too weak to scream.
    Something moved inside him. Visions of the thing from Trans Energy leaving something behind rekindled his horror, and with a tremendous force of will, he lifted his head to look at the gaping hole in his stomach.
    A tiny humanoid hand reached out, grabbing at the flayed flesh on the edges of his wound. Another tiny perfectly formed hand joined it, as whatever was inside him pulled itself out.
    Billy was too weak to react and was too far beyond fear to do anything but stare.
    The humanoid creature stood on Billy’s chest, pulling sinewy clumps of flesh off its domed head. Its tiny mouth scowled, and Billy could clearly see dagger-like teeth glistening with moisture. It looked like one of

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