Forget Ever After
Forget Ever After
By Kallysten

    Smashwords Edition
    Copyright © 2007 Kallysten
    All rights
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    The right of Kallysten to be identified as
the Author of the Work has been asserted by her in accordance with
the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
    First Published 2007
    All characters in this publication are purely
fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is
purely coincidental.
    Edited by Tracey W. and Zoe G.

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    Forget Ever After

    The words in front of Lena’s eyes
were becoming blurry, melting together on the paper in an
incomprehensible mess. She slipped a
bookmark between the pages of the heavy medical textbook and leaned
back on the bed, arms spread out to each side of her. She closed
her eyes and she tried to review the definitions she had just gone
over, but her memory refused to cooperate. The bits of sentences
that were coming to her mind in random order might have described
the inner workings of an alien from a faraway world, but in no way,
shape, or form, could they possibly apply to human
    With a deep sigh, she rolled onto her side and
opened her eyes again. On the bedside table, mere inches from her
face, the picture of Liam looked back at her with serene blue
    “ You can
do it ,” his
quiet smile seemed to be saying. “ You’ll ace that test. I know you
will .”
    Lena’s hand trembled a little while she reached
out to run a finger along the image in a gesture as habitual as it
was comforting.
    “For you,” she murmured and sat up.
    She found the place where she had stopped
reading and started again, forcing her mind to focus on the
definitions she had to memorize.
    It was Friday night and the exam was
scheduled for Monday morning. She would be ready—she was ready—and confident
that she knew all these terms when she wasn’t too tired to string
words together in a sentence that made sense. However, as Liam had
often said, reviewing a little more couldn’t hurt. It wasn’t as
though she had anything better to do anyway.
    After a while someone knocked on the door, Lena
was so absorbed in what she was reading that she almost jumped,
startled. She looked up at the door, and it opened before she could
call out an invitation. Alice stepped in and Lena blinked. Her
friend and dorm-mate seemed to have grown horns and a tail since
she had last seen her at breakfast.
    “You might want to have someone check these,”
she said with a quiet snort, pointing at the glowing horns attached
to Alice’s head. “Tumors that size have to be malignant.”
    Alice completely ignored her attempt at a joke,
her lips not twitching into a smile for a second. Instead, she
stared at Lena, looking consternated.
    “You’re not ready,” she commented flatly. “I’m
guessing it’s my ears I should have someone check, because I could
have sworn I heard you promise you’d be ready at nine.”
    A quick look at the clock on the wall and Lena
grimaced and tried to look contrite. She had lost track of time as
she studied. Or maybe her subconscious had been all too happy to
forget about the Halloween party her friend had tricked her

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