I’ll happily make this woman my wife, the mother of my children, have her in my bed forever. Actually, right now, there’s nothing I’d like more. Sighing, Ronnie buries her head further into my chest and whispers, “I love you, Nathaniel. Thank you for making that beautiful for me.”
    What she doesn’t realise is that it’s her beauty that did all that. Her beauty inside and out made our love making something I’ll never forget. “I love you more, Veronica May. You’re fucking perfect.” With that, we drift off to sleep, not knowing that in four short weeks this will HAVE to be a memory we cherish forever. It will be one of many, but it will end up being the one I hold onto in my darkest times the most. The one I remember every detail of in the years that follow.
    If I’d known my relationship with Ronnie would be torn apart in so little time, I would have done things differently. Fuck. I would have done everything differently. I would have watched her a little longer when she slept. I would have kissed her more often. I would have made better choices period. I never would have drunk half a bottle of vodka and smoked two joints, leaving me open and vulnerable for Verity to pounce. I would never have given up searching for Ronnie after eighteen months, and I would never, never have been so close to giving up, that I considered taking my own life, more than once, because I couldn’t handle the pain of being without her.
    When I’m alone, in the dark, and melancholy as fuck, I occasionally wish I’d never gone back to Patterson that summer. I should have left her alone so she wouldn’t have to suffer for my mistakes. Then I remember the good times, the fucking perfection of just being in her presence, the peaceful bliss I’d never felt before. Watching her smile and laugh, being able to hold her in my arms while she slept, the feel of her hair tickling my chest when I woke in the mornings.
    I remember every-fucking-thing about that summer and as much as I regret how it ended, I can’t bring myself to regret anything else. No matter what, loving Ronnie that summer, and ever since, is the best thing I have EVER fucking done.     

                  Since that afternoon the week before, when Ronnie fell asleep on my lap after telling me her plans to get a tattoo to cover her scar, something has changed between us. She isn’t quite as closed off, and I couldn’t be happier that it looks like I’m making progress. She stays in the same room as me for longer making idle conversation. She spends more time in the living room reading while I watch a game on TV, instead of holing up in the bedroom where she undoubtedly was making plans to kill me in my sleep. It’s as if she’s now actively seeking me out, trying to spend time with me, and I fucking love it.
    I know its early days in my mission to win her back, but fuck, I’m just glad Ronnie isn’t being ice cold towards me anymore. Her thawing out, cultivated more hope than I’ve had in weeks that maybe we can get past this, putting it behind us and moving on.
    Ronnie’s due to start back at Skin Fusion, in a few days, and about an hour ago, Kendall picked up Ronnie to take her in for the tattoo that will cover up her scar. That should take most of the day and it will be Ronnie’s first day back at the shop since Kendall and Cage’s wedding.
    I still don’t know how I feel about her getting this tattoo. I understand it’s her body and her choice what she does with it. Still, in some sick, twisted way, I like seeing that scar marring her perfect skin. It reminds me how strong she is. That Ronnie survived something most wouldn’t. That she’s is alive. In the end, it isn’t my choice though; it’s hers. Thankfully, Tank will be here soon to hopefully distract me enough that I won’t go barging into Skin Fusion to watch over her while Kendall works her magic.
    I was forbidden to

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