Flesh: Part Twelve (The Flesh Series Book 12)

Flesh: Part Twelve (The Flesh Series Book 12) by Sky Corgan Page A

Book: Flesh: Part Twelve (The Flesh Series Book 12) by Sky Corgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sky Corgan
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While I'm happy to see him, I'd be leagues happier if it were any
other time but now.
    “ I
didn't feel like an apology was good enough.” He pulls a pair
of scissors out of one of the drawers and starts clipping the stems
of the flowers before pulling the rubber band off of the bouquet and
sticking them in the vase to begin arranging them.
    “ I'm
sorry too.” I lean against the counter, suddenly feeling guilty
for wanting to shoo him away. Seeing him like this, the old Derrick
that I've always had friendly affection for, I realize just how much
I've missed him. Now I really wish I could cancel on Lucian. Maybe
it's not too late. “Can you give me a minute?” I make a
one with my finger, then turn from him to pull my phone out of my
    My hand is shaking
as I quickly type out a text message to Lucian. “I'm sorry,
Lucian. I've changed my mind. I really don't think that the two of us
are a good idea. It was—”
    Knock! Knock!
    My shoulders
practically cramp with tension when I hear the metal knocker clanging
against the door. I gasp as my phone falls from my hand and busts
apart when it hits the floor, the battery compartment and battery
going one way and the phone itself going another. I bend over to
retrieve the pieces only seconds before Derrick flashes by my
peripheral vision. I don't think I've ever straightened myself
faster, but by the time I reach Derrick, it's too late. He pulls the
door open and is met by an older gentleman in a driver's outfit. It's
the same guy who watched Lucian and I have sex in the limo.
    The chauffeur looks
at Derrick, then over Derrick's shoulder at me. “Miss
Underwood, Doctor Reddick is waiting for you downstairs.”
    I can almost feel
the heat coming off of Derrick's back. I know that he's pissed. Why
wouldn't he be? I chose Lucian over him. Not this time though.
    “ Tell
Doctor Reddick that I've changed my mind,” I say in my most
assertive tone. “I won't be having dinner with him tonight, or
any other night, for that matter.”
    “ Amy,
you don't have to.” Derrick turns to me, and I can tell he
feels like an inconvenience. I can also see the glimmer of hurt
behind his eyes.
    “ No.
This is the right thing to do.” I nod as if I'm trying to
convince myself.
    The lines in the
driver's face deepen. Looking at him now, he seems to be in his late
fifties. The hair peeking out from beneath his blue chauffeur’s
hat is salt and pepper, though mostly salt. His eyes are a light
brown, but they look worn and tired. I can tell by his expression
that he's not excited about giving Lucian the news.
    “ I'd
rather spend my afternoon with him.” I wrap my hands gently
around Derrick's arm, proud of myself for making this decision, even
though I know it will hurt later. For now, I just want to bask in the
glow of my repaired friendship with Derrick.
    Lucian's chauffeur
says nothing, he merely nods and starts walking back to the limo. I
close the door softly behind him and sigh, glad that I was finally
able to end that chapter of my life. Lucian is wrong for me, and I've
never realized it more than when thinking about everything that I
almost lost because of him.
    “ Trouble
in paradise already?” Derrick returns to tending to the daises,
fidgeting with them for a few more seconds before he sticks the vase
under the faucet to fill it with water. The sarcasm in his voice is
so familiar that I can't help but smile.
    “ Paradise
is a stretch. I don't think there ever wasn't trouble.” I go
back to leaning against the counter, watching him as if I haven't
seen him in years.
    “ He's
very pretty, Amy. I seriously can't blame you for falling for his
bullshit.” He tears open the packet of plant food that came
with the flowers and pours it in the vase.
    “ Pretty
much an asshole,” I grumble.
    Knock! Knock! Knock!
    An almost
unexplainable sensation rolls down my spine. It's like there's a fuse
running from the top of my neck to my tailbone, and the knowledge
that that knock

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