
Flawless by Lara Chapman

Book: Flawless by Lara Chapman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lara Chapman
really been up to the challenge. It’s always been so much easier, so much safer, to pretend I don’t want to date. I’ve never been able to take that leap and just give it the old college try, as Mom says.
    â€œI’m sorry,” I mutter, feeling 100 percent ashamed. “I’m just …” I trail off, not sure what to say. If I was up to telling the truth, I’d tell her what a jealous wench of a friend I am. But I won’t spoil this night for her. No matter how bad it hurts.
    I finally finish my sentence with a lame, “Forget I said anything.”
    Fortunately, she does and practically dives into her closet looking for shoes. She’s tossing out possibilities when I catch a glimpse of myself in the full-length mirror hanging on her bedroom door. When I see myself like this, head on, I can almost visualize the face I’d have with a normal nose.
    Kristen snaps her fingers in front of me. “Hel- lo . Help!” She points to her feet, a black ballet flat on her right foot, dressy red sequined sandals with a tiny little kitten heel on the left.
    â€œDefinitely the red,” I say.
    â€œBut my toes are painted hot pink.”
    â€œGet the polish,” I sigh. “I’ll paint them for you while you put on your jewelry.”
    Kristen tosses me the red polish on her dresser and reaches for the silver heart necklace she reserves for special occasions. Against her bronzed chest, it looks incredible.
    Just as I finish the last toe, the doorbell rings.
    â€œOmigod,” she whispers loudly, like he might be able to hear us outside. “That’s got to be him.”
    I look at the clock, then back at Kristen. “Five minutes early. That’s more like it.”
    I screw the lid on the polish and return it to the dresser, then walk to the window to peek outside. “I can’t see him, but his truck’s out front.”
    Kristen’s mom opens the front door and invites Rock inside. It’s easy to pick out his voice; the smooth, deep texture reminds me of melted chocolate.
    â€œCome on, Kris. You look amazing.” I grab her arm and pull her from the mirror and out of the bedroom. When we enter the living room, I’m struck speechless.
    No guy has a right to look this freaking hot.
    Just-right jeans with a sexy, black button-down shirt opened just enough to reveal a rope necklace.
    â€œHey, Sarah,” he says, obviously surprised to see me. “You joining us tonight?”
    â€œOh, no. I was just leaving,” I say, reaching for my purse on the coffee table.
    â€œHi, Rock.” Kristen eases into the room, working her way around me to get closer to her date. “You met my mom?”
    â€œOh, yeah, we’ve already met,” Kristen’s mom says, all smiles. I can hardly blame her. Shoot, a nun would be smiling at this guy. “I guess you two better get shaking if you’re going to make it there by eight. You know how traffic can be.”
    â€œIt was nice meeting you, Mrs. Gallagher.” Rock reaches forward to shake her hand and I can tell she’s impressed. Who wouldn’t be?
    When Rock opens the door for Kristen, I walk out behind her, seriously regretting that he’s following me in my old Levi’s and last year’s football T-shirt. I’m quick to flee his line of sight by walking across the lawn to my car, which is parked nose to nose with Rock’s truck.
    My car is actually Mom’s old Lexus, black with tinted windows. Very mysterious looking, which is totally not my personality, but I love it anyway.
    â€œSarah,” Rock says, stopping at the end of the sidewalk.
    â€œYeah?” I ask, fully aware that Kristen’s waiting for him to open her door but watching me.
    â€œWhy don’t you come with us?” he asks, smiling like he isn’t asking me to do the utterly impossible.
    â€œOh, no, no. I couldn’t. I’m busy, busy, busy. Y’all

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