flicked to their hands.
    Completely confused, Ellyssa stared back at him until he looked away and set the plates on the table. He placed one in front of every chair, not making eye contact with her.
    Ellyssa’s frown deepened as she watched Woody. She couldn’t figure him out. Once in awhile, he acted like her pillar of strength; other times, he would give her weird looks and act like he was now—standoffish.
    Didn’t he know his friendship meant as much to her as Rein’s love? Ever since the day Jordan had passed away, Woody had been there for her, understanding her when she hadn’t even understood herself.
    And if not for his help, Ellyssa’s mission to save Rein would not have ended in success. She could never thank him enough. Maybe that was the problem; Woody didn’t understand how grateful she was and how much he meant to her. She made a mental note to tell him the next time they were alone.
    As Ellyssa took a seat next to Rein to listen in on the discussion he was having with Tim, Trista bounced in, exuberant as ever, as if all that’d transpired hadn’t happened. Her braided blonde hair flipped with each step. She wore a purple knit sweater and blue jeans that hugged her shape and long legs.
    Ellyssa looked at her drab black shirt. Never in her life had she been permitted to wear regular clothes. At The Center, they had worn white. When she had escaped, she had worn worker attire. And even now, she still wore a uniform of a black T and camos.
    “Good morning,” Trista said as she took a seat next to Woody.
    “Where’d you get the clothes?” Ellyssa asked.
    “Dyllon brought them to me.” Her nose curled, looking cute, when she mentioned his name.
    “I need to speak to you about him,” said Rein.
    Like a switch was flipped, in an instant all the cheerfulness melted right off Trista’s face as her eyes cut over to Rein. “There is nothing to discuss. I’ve made myself perfectly clear.”
    Rein ignored her. “Woody and I discussed the…relationship you two seem to have developed.”
    “Which is none of your business.”
    Woody held his hand up at Rein. “Look,” he said, diplomatically, “I know he has done a lot for you…for us. And we are grateful that he saved your life, but you have to admit, he has been trained differently than all the other defectors that we’d brought in. We’ve never had anyone with his background before. What if he changes his mind when push comes to shove?”
    “Plus, with what happened, how do you expect me to trust him?” Rein asked, his tone calm, trying for Woody’s approach.
    It didn’t work. Fury pinched Trista’s face, and she sat there for a moment, speechless, eyes turning to ice.
    Ellyssa had never seen Trista so angry, and that included last night. The same grey cloud of tension rolled into the kitchen again.
    “The same way you trusted her ,” Trista snapped, an accusatory finger pointing at Ellyssa.
    Like Trista had slapped her, Ellyssa recoiled. That was the second time Trista had alluded to her. Ellyssa sat shocked for a moment. Apparently, trust was something Trista wanted but yet still questioned. Without a second thought, Ellyssa shifted her wall to block the unwelcome buzzing and opened the door to Trista’s thoughts, and then understood.
    Trista blamed Ellyssa. Blamed her for their discovery, for her family being murdered, blamed her for everything. The lump of guilt stirred and reared its ugly head.
    The blonde met Ellyssa’s eyes. Comprehension flicked across Trista’s face, followed by horror. She knew.
    “Look, I—I’m sorry.”
    “No need,” Ellyssa muttered.
    Rein’s gaze slid between her and Trista. “What?”
    Ellyssa shook her head. “It doesn’t matter.”
    Even with everyone around her, all eyes cast toward her, Ellyssa felt alone. Nothing more than a replay of when Jason had attacked her. Then, just like now, Ellyssa was the outsider. After all, Ellyssa was from the breed meant to destroy them. Why should any of

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