Five on a Secret Trail
think of that before?" said Julian. „We thought there was only one of you. You were never together."
    „No. We quarrelled - quarrel ed bitterly," said the boy, tears in his eyes again. „And when twins quarrel, real y quarrel, it"s worse than any quarrel there is! We hated one another then - we real y did! We wouldn"t be with one another, we wouldn"t eat together, or dig together, or sleep together. We"ve often quarrelled before, but not like this - not like this! I just pretended that he didn"t exist - and he did the same with me!"
    „What a to-do!" said Julian, astonished and worried. „Well now - what"s happened to make you so upset? Tell me!"
    „Guy wanted to be friends with me again last night," said the boy. „And I wouldn"t. I hit him and walked away. Then this morning I was sorry and went to find him and be friends -
    and - and..."
    He stopped and howled again. Everyone felt very sad and uncomfortable. „Go on, tell us," said Julian, gently.

    „I was just in time to see him fighting two men, and screaming at them, and kicking - then they hustled him away somewhere!" said the boy. „I fel down in the trench and hurt my leg - and by the time I dragged myself up, Guy had gone - and so had everyone else!"
    He turned away and wept again. „I"l never forgive myself, never! If I"d made friends last night I could have helped him - and I didn"t!"

Chapter Fifteen

    It was Anne who comforted the boy. She went to him and pul ed him down on a stone beside her. „Let me look at your leg," she said. „It"s pretty bad, isn"t it? Look, I"l bind it up for you. Don"t be so upset - we"ll help you. I think we know what"s happened, don"t we Julian?"
    The boy looked at Anne grateful y, and sniffed hard. When she offered him her handkerchief, he took it and wiped his face. Dick gave Anne his big hanky to bind up the boy"s cut and bruised leg. He must have fal en right into the trench in his fright at seeing his brother fighting and being taken away.
    „How do you know what"s happened?" he said to Julian. „Can you get Guy back? Do say you can! I"l never forgive myself for this. My twin-brother - and I wasn"t there to fight by his side when he needed me!"
    „Now don"t soak my hanky all over again!" said Anne. He gave her a forlorn little smile and turned to Julian again.
    „My name"s Harry Lawdler, and Guy and I are mad on old camps and buildings and things. We spend almost all our holidays together, digging and finding all kinds of things, like these." He nodded his head towards the little shelf of relics that the four had seen before.
    „Yes - Guy told us," said Dick. „But he never said a word about you. We were often very puzzled - we thought you and he were one boy - not two, you see - and we couldn"t understand a lot of things you both said. You"re so very, very alike."
    „Well - I tell you, we each pretended that the other didn"t even exist," said Harry. „We"re like that. We love each other best in the world, and we hate each other worse - when we quarrel. We"re simply horrible then!"
    „Can you tell us a bit about the people that Guy was fighting?" asked Dick.
    „Yes. They were some that came before, wanting Guy to clear out while they had a look round," said Harry, wiping his face again. „Guy was pretty rude to them. In fact I heard him say that if they messed about his camp he would throw stones at them - he"s like that, you know, very fierce, when he"s roused."
    „And you think these were the same people?" said Dick. „Which way did they go with Guy?"
    „That way," said Harry, pointing. „I"ve hunted the whole camp round, but they"re gone -
    disappeared into thin air! It"s extraordinary!"
    „Let"s have a hunt round," said Julian. „We might find something. But I imagine that the searchers have taken Guy off with them because he knew too much - perhaps they found here what they were looking for, and saw Guy watching."
    „Oh! Then we"re too late!" said George, in deep

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