First Class Farewell
much-wanted, already adored baby.
    Beth had called her parents and informed them of the happy
news. They were naturally thrilled with the addition to the family. Rupert,
Beth’s older brother, had married but had yet to produce a grandchild, so
Beth’s baby would be their first.
    Beth had also decided, after capturing in her journal her
thoughts and feelings after the blessed phone call from her doctor, that she
would, at some point, turn her very personal writings into a book. Struggling
with infertility was not a unique problem known only to her. Just the clinic
she’d visited regularly had hundreds of couples dealing with the exact same
thing and the knowledge that she’d finally been able to do the one thing her
heart craved, conceiving a child, had given her the desire to share her
experience with others. No matter how personal and how private it was, she
wondered if there hadn’t been a higher meaning…a purpose behind the experience.
    Tim had been completely supportive when she’d broached the
subject with him. He’d even suggested she keep a daily account of her
pregnancy, too. She’d liked the idea.
    Now they stood watching the bustling all around them, but
stood entwined in each other’s arms as unconsciously they each had a hand over
her flat belly. Matt smiled at the sight. Remembering back to the day that
Janie had announced the wonderful news that they would be welcoming a baby was
one of the happiest days of his life. He understood the joy his brother was
feeling and he couldn’t have been happier for them.
    “I think it’s fantastic that we’ll be having a party
tonight,” he said. “Ray would be happy to know that his wake will be combined
with a celebration for your news.”
    “He was a good man,” Beth smiled. “And he will be missed
more than any of us realize, I think.”
    Matt nodded but felt in his heart that he already knew just
how much he would miss his friend. He had missed him terribly each day of the
past few weeks and didn’t see how the pain was going to go away anytime soon.
But today was not a day to mourn so he tried to push the grief from his mind as
he watched his children run around the patio, the excitement obvious as they
giggled and skipped with their cousins.
    Ben had Lisa in his arms and chased after Charlie who was
dashing for the pool. With a swoop he reached out and scooped him into his
other arm about three feet from the edge. Handing Lisa off to Alex, they headed
for the beach to join Paul who was already building sand castles with Gregory
and Annie.
    David was not far behind his brother, Amanda running beside
him, singing a merry little tune, and Rachel on his shoulders, one chubby
little leg on each side of his head. She was laughing and patting her daddy on
the head, urging him on toward the sea.
    Andrew and Rory had Joseph in between them and they were swinging
him high in the air as they walked. If you listened closely, you could hear the
faint laugh escape from his lips. Isabelle and Christopher noticed them leaving
and quickly fell in beside them, not wanting to miss out on any of the fun.
    Ella was wandering around with Cynthia, as she supervised
the deliveries and set-up. Matt chuckled. If his daughter didn’t choose event
planning as her career, he’d be surprised.
    The rest of the family was in the house, scattered. His
parents were in their bedroom resting. Peter hadn’t been the same since the
shooting. It had taken an emotional and psychological toll on him that had left
the family struggling with how to help. Maureen had repeatedly told them that
time would be the healer. Hopefully the party would, too. Matt was counting on
    He headed back through to the media room. A Yankees game was
on the television. He fell into the middle of the sofa, between Derek and
Tyler, and watched, somewhat interested, until Cynthia announced that
everything was ready and the party could begin.
    All the beautiful little girls were in party dresses and

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