Firefly Hollow
next to the stack of books he was planning on dropping off at the library as his last stop on the way out of town. He fingered the envelope, turning it over, then back again, then looked around the parking lot to see if anyone was watching. Fairly certain he wasn’t being observed, he casually lifted the envelope to his nose.
    With the aid of his enhanced senses, Owen picked up the faint, lingering scent Sarah wore. His eyes closed for a moment, and he held in the breath, keeping it close as long as he could. When he exhaled, he reached into the pocket of his coat and pulled out his penknife. Very carefully, he slit the end of the envelope and extracted the letter. The single sheet was folded neatly, and he hesitated before opening it. He wasn’t sure he wanted to know what the contents said.
    After sliding the letter halfway back into the envelope, he groaned and cursed. There was no way he could make the hours-long trip to Laurel County with the letter on the seat beside him, taunting him. Pulling it back out, he unfolded it.

    Dear Mr. Campbell,
    After our less-than-illustrious meeting Saturday afternoon, I felt that I owed you the courtesy of a more formal apology.
    Yes, I have been trespassing on your land for some time now. That was wrong of me; I shouldn’t have done it.
    I have spent many an hour on the banks of that pool in quiet contemplation, and while I will miss those visits, I will abide by your wishes.
    I hope that you will harbor no ill will toward me or my family, as they were unaware of my abuse of your trust.
    While I cannot be sorry for the time spent beside that lovely pool, I truly do regret taking advantage of you and violating your privacy. Please accept my heartfelt apology, and my assurances that I will not trespass again.
    Warmest regards,
    Sarah Browning.

    Owen was surprised and a little guilt-stricken. Not for the first time, he wondered if he had done the right thing. Re-reading the message, he was tempted to rush over to the library, ask for Sarah’s forgiveness, and give her permission to use the pool any time she felt like it. Then he remembered how vulnerable that would leave him.
    “Damn it.” Despite his inner turmoil, he folded the letter and slipped it back into the envelope, then tucked it inside his jacket pocket, next to his heart. He was tired of arguing with himself. He started the truck, backed out of the parking spot, and went to finish his errands. After he filled the truck’s gas tank and had the oil checked, he glanced at the stack of books sitting so innocently on the seat beside him.
    “You’ll have to wait until I get home,” he told them. He couldn’t take the chance of stopping by the library, not even to put the books in the book deposit. Sarah would be too close, and the temptation was too strong to try and make amends.

    The peace Owen sought by leaving home didn’t materialize. In the past, whenever he’d needed to escape the confines of his life, a visit with Eli’s family had always set Owen to rights mentally and emotionally. Being an astute man, Eli easily picked up on Owen’s unhappiness. He let Owen have three days, during which Owen worked himself into exhaustion every night, helping around the farm. On the afternoon of the fourth day, Eli cornered him in the barn.
    “Out with it, son. What’s troubling you?”
    Owen looked up from the horse he was currying. “What do you mean?”
    Eli leaned against a stall door, arms crossed over his broad chest. He gave Owen an indulgent look and waited.
    When Owen saw that Eli wasn’t going to let him get away without answering, he let out a low hiss. “Can’t I have a bad mood without every move I make being examined?”
    “Of course you can. But Owen, it’s obvious you’re hurting. And you’re like a son to me. I’d like to help if I can.”
    Owen leaned his head against the horse’s neck. “I don’t even know where to begin.”
    Eli moved a crate from the empty stall behind him and turned it up

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