Firecracker Under Pressure - Firecracker #3 (Erotic Romance)

Firecracker Under Pressure - Firecracker #3 (Erotic Romance) by Megan Flint

Book: Firecracker Under Pressure - Firecracker #3 (Erotic Romance) by Megan Flint Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Flint
1. Set the Town Aflame

    Trixie didn’t know what to think as she lay dripping and spent on the floor of her apartment hallway. Cy had just revealed that he quit his job at the mountain resort and accepted a new position in the city. This was the big surprise he had been waiting to tell her in person. And he didn’t just move into the city, he had found a place in her neighborhood. That’s what Cy had been doing while she was at work, during those three days they’d spent playing house in her apartment after the race weekend. More to the point, there wasn’t any discussing the matter. The lease was signed and he had already moved in.
    Cy didn’t want her to feel weird about his sudden arrival. He admitted that of course being closer to her was an incentive, but also that he wanted to live in the city for a while now. Trixie was happy for him, but it was all very sudden.  On the one hand her accessibility to Cy would be greatly improved, but on the other  his  accessibility to  her  would be greatly improved. She and Erik had only just started up again. Trixie had been prepared to court both of them simultaneously, alternating weekends, but that was when the two men lived one-hundred miles apart.
    The new job sounded great. It allowed Cy to choose his own clients and set his own hours. He approached the interview smartly, saying that he was considering a move to the city, and was immediately courted for his qualifications. Cy was now garnering a starting salary well above what he had settled for at the hotel. She could hardly blame him for taking a superior position. To his credit, Cy knew what it looked like, but he made no excuses for it either. He claimed his arrival came with no expectations.
    Trixie was no fool. No matter how much men claimed they didn’t have expectations, they secretly nursed hopes, like pinwheels spinning behind their eyes.
    When Cy had showed up at her doorstep on the weekend of their planned reunion -- one hour ago now -- she had thrown herself at him. Trixie thought it was odd that he didn’t have a suitcase or an overnight bag with him, but they were already stripping each other in the doorway of her apartment before the subject could be broached.
    Trixie had told Erik that she was visiting with a friend over the weekend. She didn’t specify what kind of friend and he didn’t ask. Trixie was thinking that her and Cy only had this weekend before he left again, and so she was going to make the most of it. He seemed to be of the same mind.
    They rolled along the walls and spilled onto the floor, leaving a trail of hastily torn off clothing behind them. They were naked in moments, groping and kissing each other as if starved for affection. For Cy, that was true enough, and for Trixie, surprisingly the same, despite the fact that she and Erik had been together more days than not during the past week.
    If she was hungry for anything, it was for Cy’s desire of her in that moment. And that moment was the only one that mattered. Trixie surrendered to him as he took her repeatedly throughout the apartment. He had her from behind in a door frame and from in front on a coffee table. No place was sacred.
    Cy was on a quest to explore uncharted territory, taking them everywhere they hadn’t fucked three weeks earlier. Every square foot of her apartment felt the vibrations of their lust, from the counters to the cupboards. Even the closets weren’t off limits. Cy pushed the hangers aside so that Trixie could dangle from the wardrobe bar, both legs wrapped around him as he drove himself up her welcoming snatch. The clothing bar snapped when Trixie came, bringing all the hangers down on them both. It didn’t slow their momentum in the least. They laughed, dug themselves out, and kept going, writhing atop a pile of coats like teenagers at a party.
    He definitely made her feel young again, like it was always their first time together. His enthusiasm was infectious. Cy didn’t hold back at any

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