Fire - Betrayal

Fire - Betrayal by Amelia Grace

Book: Fire - Betrayal by Amelia Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amelia Grace
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the Warrior that they were waiting for?  I pushed that aggravating idea out of my head.  We were just starting to be together again, I didn’t want our lives interrupted again, and put on hold.  We had to be together, forever.
    Ben took my hand as he helped me out of his car, and we strolled along the boulevard to the takeout seafood shop to buy our dinner and some drinks.
    The beach was stunning with the clear blue water washing up onto the off white fine sand, which was tinged with the orange glow of the sunset.  The sky was cloudless, radiating the beauty of the solar star as it set.
    W e walked until we found a peaceful, serene part of the beach to sit at and enjoy each other and all of nature that was on offer.
    Before we started eating, Ben leaned over to me and kissed me lightly on the lips, and then my forehead.
    “Ben, what does it all mean, with the invasion of the Js in our lives?  Do you think I need to worry?  I mean, you would understand everything much more clearly than me because of all of the mind conversations that you had with them,” I said.
    Ben looked out over the ocean and thought before he spoke.
    Then he laughed out loud.  I did not expect this type of reaction to my question.
    I smiled at him with a puzzled expression on my face. “What are you laughing at?”
    “The invasion of the Js,” he quoted.
    “Well it is true isn’t it?  Everyone’s name starts with a J – except yours.  Why is that?”  I queried.
    Ben looked at the sand.
    “I don’t know Cate.  When I went to Une Autre Terre at first, I felt like an outcast, because my name didn’t fit in with the Js.  But then, I liked it, and I was glad I was Benjamin.”  His eyes remained on the sand.
    “Ben, you didn’t answer my other questions.  What does it all mean, and should I be worried?” I asked again.
    This time Ben looked at me seriously.
    “I don’t know.  I wish I could answer your questions better, but the fact of the truth is that I do not know.  When it does become clear to me though, I will explain it to you,” reassured Ben keeping his eyes on me, reading my emotions.
    We remained on the beach long after the sun had set and long after we had eaten, listening to the gentle lapping of the waves on the sand, and the occasional breaking wave crashing down onto the beach.  I sat very closely to Ben, with my head resting on his shoulder.  Ben rested his head on mine.  We were lulled and calmed and soothed by the sounds of nature.
    I looked up at Ben. His face was magnificent, lit up only by the light of the full moon, casting shadows on it defining the beautiful angular shape of his jaw line and chin.  I caught my breath, after it had been momentarily been taken away by his splendor.
    His cerulean eyes were serious as they looked deeply into mine.
    I brought my hand up to his face, and then traced over his lovely lips.  I could not stop myself from leaning into him, seeking the feeling of his lips on mine, and at once we were kissing, deeply and sensuously.
    I whispered his name, and at once wished that I had not done so.  It only made him want me all the more.  Then, reaching deep inside of myself, I found the strength to pull away from him.  I didn’t want to, but I had to. When I looked at him, he had a single tear falling down his cheek.  I wiped it away tenderly, and then kissed him gently, but briefly.
    H e reached for my hand, and found my promise ring.  He brought it to his lips and kissed it on my finger, and I knew that he understood.
    Then he held my hand as we walked back along the beach.  It was time to go.
    We walked silently, I had a heightened sense of him, and enjoyed every millisecond of being with him.
    Then he stopped and faced me.  He kissed me lightly on my lips, and then dropped to one knee there on the sand, on the beach, with the waves and the moon as our witnesses.
    “C ate, I want you to be my wife, I need you to be my wife.  My life is nothing without you.  Will

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