Fire and Desire (Arabesque)

Fire and Desire (Arabesque) by Brenda Jackson Page A

Book: Fire and Desire (Arabesque) by Brenda Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Jackson
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His dark eyes met hers as she waited for an answer. “You and I are going deeper into the jungle to hide out for a while.”
    Corinthians’s eyebrows slanted in a confused frown. “Why?”
    “I think it will be for the best.”
    She glared up at him, not understanding why he would feel that way. Evidently he liked being out here in the jungle playing soldier. If that were the case, he could look for another playmate because she wasn’t interested. “Well, I don’t think it will be for the best. I see no reason why we can’t go back to the hotel.”
    The narrowing of Trevor’s eyes revealed his irritation and anger. “Well, I do.”
    “Why? You just said the police had arrived,” she managed to say through stiff lips. Getting information out of him was like shedding cellulose from one’s thighs. It was nearly impossible.
    “It’s not safe to go back there just yet.”
    Corinthians sighed out loud in frustration. “That doesn’t make sense. Why wouldn’t it be?”
    “Because not all the terrorists went back to where they came from. There are three of them wandering around out here in this jungle somewhere,” he said in a deceptively calm voice.
    “Then that’s all the more reason we should get out of here and go back to the hotel.” She reached down to pick up the overnight bag and found it was too heavy for her to lift. She wondered how on earth Trevor had carried it.
    “You, of all people, can’t go back.”
    Corinthians glanced back at him, narrowing her eyes. “And why not?”
    “Because it appears the terrorists are interested in the American key players of the research summit. Those men lurking around out here have strict orders to capture you and take you to their leader.”
    “That’s insane.”
    “Then you tell that to Terry Mills, Sidney Wells, Keith Johnson and a few other Americans that were taken as hostages. That is, if you ever see them again. Their lives are now at the mercy of those terrorists. It’s a good thing Armond Thetas got called away unexpectedly from dinner last night. With all his money, he would have been a good catch for those terrorists although he isn’t from the United States.”
    Corinthians nearly collapsed down onto the overnight bag. Her body began shaking. It was impossible to calm the alarming quakes that had suddenly torn at her insides when Trevor had mentioned the names of several persons who had been taken as hostages. They were men she knew professionally. They were men who just last night had laughed with her, had held conversations with her and had eaten dinner with her.
    “But shouldn’t that be all the more reason we should seek police protection?” she asked quietly, still feeling stunned and disoriented by the news.
    “Right now I don’t trust anyone. And neither should you. I have a lot of questions about all of this. And until I get some answers, I think we should stay lost for a while. I’m asking you to trust me on this.”
    Corinthians’s brain was in tumult. She took a long, deep, steady breath to control her swirling emotions. She stood silent for a few moments, trying to absorb everything Trevor had told her. She knew what she would do. The bottom line was she did trust him. He had proven ever since that incident with those two men at McDonald’s that he was concerned with her welfare. And last night he had shown her just how far he would go to protect her when he had placed his body over hers when they had heard the gunfire at the hotel. He had used his body as a human shield to protect her. Although he could be an infuriating, exasperating and irritating man at times, deep down she knew he would protect her with his life. He had already proven it.
    “But what if we get lost out here?”
    “We won’t. And I’ve already sent word to a good friend of mine at the American embassy. He’ll find us in no time.”
    “And you trust him?”
    “Yes. He’s a fellow Marine who’s now a colonel. We started out in boot camp together in

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