Fiona Frost: Order of the Black Moon

Fiona Frost: Order of the Black Moon by Dr. Bon Blossman Page B

Book: Fiona Frost: Order of the Black Moon by Dr. Bon Blossman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dr. Bon Blossman
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the lines of her forehead deepening with her displeasure.
    “ D on’t be tacky. She ’s your cousin so be nice and try to be supportive. S he’s not allowed to go back to the high school this year. She’ll have to enroll in an alternative program on Monday. She made a new friend, a very pretty girl , gorgeous —I hear she comes from a good family. In fact, she’s going on a doub le date with her and some boys on Friday night .”
    My legs weakened and instantly, my body forced a violent shudder. Thinking they’d give out, I backed into my foam chair. The thought of the friend my mother spoke of being Camber Johnson — and the double date including Wolfe nearly made me vomit all over my wood en floor.
    “What about our house ban? Thought we weren’t allowed to go anywhere because of Gerald Smith?”
    “Oh, Fiona. You know it’s impossible to prevent Haley from doing what she puts her mind to. Plus, I don’t think she’s in quite the danger that you are, sweetie, and this could be good for her.”
    “ Not fair! What is the friend’s name, M om ? Do you know?”
    I didn’t want to ask, but if I didn’t, I would be consumed with curiosity until I found out.
    “I think it’s Amber or Camber , something like that.”
    Feigning happiness for Haley, I took in slow, deep breaths to calm the chaos going on inside of me. I couldn’t lose my cool in front of my mother. My instinct compelled me to march into Haley’s room to strangle her for being part of this new - found happy quartet. After a strong exhale, I pretended something was caught in my throat, and forced out my next words.
    “And who is the boy that Haley is going out with?”
    “Carden Doyle. I think he’s been over here for you before, huh? Isn’t he in your forensic club?”
    B link ing my eyes , I made sure I was in reality and not a dream . Stunned. M y fever spiked a few degrees and also became a reality . Carden Doyle was in my circle of friends. He had even asked Maddie to the prom , and now he was switching over to the dark side with my trouble - making cousin? Could Maddie have know n about this ? I realized tha t Maddie and Carden weren’t in an official relationship, but she was happy that he asked her to the prom , nonetheless. I would have to break the news to her — she was my best friend . I could only guess the fourth person was Wolfe . A ngry at the world with a n unjustified rage , I scolded myself for not doing anything to stop th e budding relationship between Wolfe and Camber.
    With a gaping hole in my heart, I checked my emails on my home computer . I found the daily report from Detective Chase and scanned it as quickly as I could. He would pick me up after school , and I was to ride with him to some locations to investigate the case. A much - needed distraction.
    Still no bacon sizzling on the stove, I grabbed a strawberry Pop-tart from the kitchen pantry and headed out to the car with Agent Bronson . I wasn’t the kind that had to heat them in the toaster. I was surprised he dressed in a navy suit . In an exceptional mood, he chatted about baseball on the way to school ; I don’t care for baseball, but he made it interesting, nevertheless .
    “Fiona, are you alright ? You don’t look wel l,” he inquired .
    “I’m fine . I might have a touch of something, but I’ll get over it by lunch, always do. Have a great day! ” I lied.
    As the day progressed, a sickness ravag ed my body. It took all of the courage I could muster to enter Mrs. Garcia’s class knowing I would see Wolfe . I’d need to suppress a brewing tirade about him going out with Camber on a double date with my horrid cousin .
    I didn’t like what I had become on the inside. Looking at it from the outside perspective, I behaved irrational, like a crazy person. Wolfe had given me chances to tell him how I felt , and I didn’t take advantage of any of them. Granted, I was going through some difficult times, but I realized I never even told him what was

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