Finishing School

Finishing School by Max Allan Collins

Book: Finishing School by Max Allan Collins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Max Allan Collins
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somewhere else, too . . . because it is sure as hell not in that house. Which, by the way, is a dump.’’
    Prentiss smirked. ‘‘We gathered.’’
    Hotchner asked, ‘‘So—do you still think he’s the UnSub?’’
    â€˜â€˜Not out of the question,’’ Rossi said, with an eyebrow shrug. ‘‘We definitely have more digging to do.’’
    Hotchner gestured toward the nearest laptop. ‘‘I’ll get Garcia to contact Arkansas and see what else we can learn on that end.’’
    Garue said, ‘‘With the weapons and drugs charges? He’s not going anywhere for a while.’’
    Morgan lifted a forefinger. ‘‘Don’t forget he assaulted a federal officer.’’
    Garue nodded. ‘‘He’s definitely going to be a guest of the county for a while.’’
    Rossi asked, ‘‘Anything go down here at the fort while we were out doing God’s work?’’
    Hotchner filled them in on the visits by Abner and Lawrence Silvan.
    Rossi’s eyebrows were up and he seemed vaguely amused. ‘‘Cookies, Aaron? And of course you sent them to the crime lab.’’
    Hotchner said nothing.
    Rossi told his old friend, ‘‘Generous of you. You do know we haven’t eaten since breakfast?’’
    With no apparent recognition that he was being kidded, Hotchner said, ‘‘There’s food in the vending machine in the break room.’’
    Rossi chuckled and shook his head. Garue was looking at Morgan, with an expression that asked, Is your boss for real? But Morgan offered no help.
    Hotchner filled them in on the identity of the Davison girl and what they knew about that case, so far.
    Rossi, dead serious now, said, ‘‘Georgia’s a long way from Minnesota.’’
    â€˜â€˜It’s a long way coming or going,’’ Morgan said. ‘‘Was the Davison girl registered in school anywhere around here?’’
    Hotchner shook his head. ‘‘Not that we know, but it’s early on that score. We haven’t had time to put together a digital aging photo.’’
    Such a photo would show what the victim might look like today.
    â€˜â€˜And,’’ Hotchner continued, ‘‘we’ll get a forensics sculptor to do a 3-D representation, but the truth is, that’s going to take a while.’’
    â€˜â€˜So,’’ Rossi said, ‘‘what’s next?’’
    Before Hotchner could answer, JJ came into the room in a rush.
    â€˜â€˜Victim number two has been identified,’’ she said. ‘‘Lee Ann Clark, kidnapped from a park near her family’s residence in Heflin, Alabama.’’
    â€˜â€˜When?’’ Hotchner asked.
    â€˜â€˜Ten years ago,’’ JJ said, ‘‘within just two weeks of Heather Davison.’’
    â€˜â€˜Nice work. How did you manage it?’’
    â€˜â€˜Credit Garcia—she just got notified there was another DNA hit.’’
    Hotchner swung his attention toward Reid. ‘‘Let’s get Garcia on the linkup and find out more.’’
    In a few seconds, Reid had made that happen.
    â€˜â€˜Garcia,’’ Hotchner said.
    â€˜â€˜What have you found out about our second victim?’’
    â€˜â€˜She was three and a half at the time of her abduction—which was less than two weeks after the kidnapping of Heather Davison. Lee Ann Clark was playing in a park not even three blocks from her house when the abduction went down.’’
    â€˜â€˜Certainly a child that age hadn’t been left alone . . . ?’’
    â€˜â€˜No, both her parents and a slightly older brother were there. They were distracted for just a moment and when they turned back, Lee Ann was gone.’’
    Hotchner frowned. ‘‘Distracted by

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