Finding Valor

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Book: Finding Valor by Charlotte Abel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlotte Abel
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folded her arms over her breasts.
    “Do you have a break before you get off work? I’d like to at least buy you a drink.”
    “I’ve already taken my break.” She wrote a string of numbers on the back of the receipt before handing it Hunter. “If you change your mind after midnight and I’m not here, give me a call.”
    “Will do.” Hunter gave her his sexiest grin and another wink then turned around and headed toward the elevator. He had no intention of leaving his room until morning.  
    A rap on his door woke him up. At first, Hunter couldn’t remember where he was, but the glowing numbers on the clock brought it all back. Twelve fifteen. Dang. Some women just can’t take a hint. He didn’t even check the peep-hole before unbolting and opening the door. But instead of a horny desk clerk, two men in black suits filled the doorframe. Both of them mages.
    Hunter’s shield snapped into place. But when the men didn’t raise theirs, he lowered his. “Sorry ‘bout that. It’s sort of an ingrained response. My ex has the nastiest stinging spell.”
    The men chuckled and nodded. “Sorry to bother you, but we’re looking for a family of mages that disappeared under suspicious circumstances last August. Do you know of, or have you heard of, anyone that goes by the name of Money Kerns or Monroe Belks?”
    Hunter clamped down on the fear trying to burst out of his energy field. He scratched the back of his head and frowned. “Let me think a minute. That name sounds familiar. I’ve been working out of state. Is he from around here?”
    “Originally. But we know that he moved to Las Vegas.”
    “Ah…that must be where I heard it. I worked at ‘Her Lady’s Pleasure’ as an exotic dancer in Vegas for a while. Do you have a picture? That might help jog my memory.”
    The men sighed. “No. All we have is a description. He’s a large man, about six foot four and three hundred pounds. He also has a gambling addiction.”
    “I don’t recall seeing any mages that fit that description. We get a few fellas in the club, but most of our clientele are women.” Hunter knew he needed to just shut up, but he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to gather a little intel. “Can I ask why y’all are looking for him? Is he in trouble?”
    “Thank you for your time, Mr. Brown. Enjoy your stay.” The men turned on their heels then marched down the hall.  
    Hunter waited for them to step onto the elevator then closed the door. He was tempted to get on his bike and get the hell outta there, but that would look too suspicious. No. He needed to stick to the plan. He’d told the girl at the check in counter that he was going to head out at dawn, so that’s what he’d better do. He’d also better get some sleep. Even though the trackers didn’t tell him anything, just the fact that they were still looking for Channie’s daddy meant things were more dangerous than ever. And these trackers weren’t the usual stupid scumbags. These were well-dressed, intelligent and obviously high-paid scumbags. He climbed back into bed, cast a mild be-calm spell on himself and closed his eyes.  
    He woke up the next morning, refreshed but nervous. He stuffed his belly and his backpack with biscuits, bacon and eggs from the free breakfast buffet then got on his bike and headed east down Highway 412. He stopped for fuel and groceries in Springdale then rode straight through to Whistler’s Gulch.  
    His bike was built for speed not endurance. It wouldn’t be able to negotiate what passed for roads east of Whistler’s Gulch much less get him inside mage territory. It was time to say good-bye to “The Beast.”  
    The thought of leaving his bike behind, even with protection spells, made his palms sweat. Maybe he could pay some empty to let him park it in his garage.
    Hunter cut the engine in front of Sheriff Black’s double wide trailer. Normally, he stayed as far away from Sheriff Black’s place as possible, but he was hoping the man

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