Finding Us

Finding Us by Megan Smith, Sommer Stein, Sarah Jones, Toski Covey

Book: Finding Us by Megan Smith, Sommer Stein, Sarah Jones, Toski Covey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Smith, Sommer Stein, Sarah Jones, Toski Covey
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the chorus while I look over to Knox and shrug.
    “You next?”
    I look down to my hands, suddenly feeling nervous. “You want me to be?”
    He looks my body up and down, “Hell yeah.”
    I smile and stand up. Rhea and Summer finish up the chorus and I look around avoiding all eyes on me. I walk around so that I’m behind Knox. I place both hands on his shoulders and bend so that my lips are near his ear. I sing, just loud enough for everyone to hear, that he gives me real loving. In reality I’m praying he will. I bite Knox’s ear lobe lightly and then whisper in his ear that he knocks me out with one shot and he gives me goose bumps with every touch. I stand up straight and reach down his chest as far as I can go while singing about never being disrespectful because his mom taught him that, but unexpectedly something in Knox switches and his whole body becomes tense, throwing me through a loop. Summer and Rhea pick up the chorus to finish up the song.
    “Knox?” I murmur in his ear. “What’s wrong?”
    He doesn’t answer; just gives me a slight shake of his head.
    Rex is watching the whole thing uncover but doesn’t interfere. I’m at a complete loss with what happened and I start to panic. Feeling completely out of my element I decide to call it a night. I quickly grab my shoes which are next to Knox’s feet and make my way back up to the house without saying a word to anyone. About halfway to the house I look back over my shoulder and see Rex and Knox in each other’s face.
    Just as my foot hits the first step I hear Knox call my name. “Jasmine, wait up.”
    Knox shoves his hands in his slacks and I wait for him to explain what happened back there. “You’re going to bed?”
    “Yeah, I think it’s about that time.” I stand there for another minute giving Knox another chance to explain but he looks back over to the group. I take the stairs two at a time, trying to get as far away from Knox as possible. When I realize he hasn’t followed me it makes my heart skink a little. I get to the steps that lead up to the second floor when I hear the sliding glass door bang shut. I run up the stairs not wanting to be caught. I sense that Knox is battling something internally and he isn’t sure which side he wants to claim victory.
    Just as I close the bedroom door Knox opens it again.
    “You don’t need to come to bed too. I’m good here.” I manage to say while the tears are at bay.
    Knox ignores me as he goes into the bathroom and slams the door. I walk over to my suitcase and pull out a pair of short black shorts and a white tank top. I take a seat on the bed, waiting for Knox to emerge from the bathroom so that I can get changed and sleep the rest of this night away.
    Fifteen minutes have gone by and he’s still locked in there. The water hasn’t ran, the toilet hasn’t flushed, no sounds at all can be heard.
    Sighing, I climb off the bed and knock gently on the door. “Knox?”
    I give it another few moments and try again.
    This time there is a groan.
    “Knox, open the door please.” I don’t have a clue as to what I will find but a huge part of me needs a way to fix him. While waiting for him to open the door my mind replays our little singing skit. The only thing I can come up with is the mention of his mom.
    I hear the click of the door unlocking. A few seconds go by and then he opens the door slowly. I wait for him to make the first move.
    A hand reaches out and roughly pulls me to his rock hard chest. I can’t exactly pin point where my relationship changed with Knox, but it has. He wraps his arms around my body and I’m cocooned in his embrace.
    I feel safe, warm, protected.
    Knox kisses the side of my head and whispers, “I’m sorry.”
    “I’m sorry too.” As I say the words his body goes taut but just for a second.
    He takes a deep breath and then lets it out. “You have nothing to be sorry for Jas, you didn’t do anything wrong.”
    I squeeze Knox a

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