Finding the Way Back (Book 1 in the Forgiving Hearts Trilogy)

Finding the Way Back (Book 1 in the Forgiving Hearts Trilogy) by Erin Landy Page B

Book: Finding the Way Back (Book 1 in the Forgiving Hearts Trilogy) by Erin Landy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin Landy
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    “She’s my sister.”
    “Now I know why you look so familiar. You’ve both got long blonde hair and blue eyes.”
    “You left out the part about us being almost six feet tall. We definitely stand out in a crowd.”
    Patty laughed. “I was trying to be diplomatic, something my husband says I still haven’t mastered. Anyway, I was going to invite you to church, but I’m sure Rose has already done so.”
    “Yes, she has. I was going to come last weekend, but I twisted my ankle falling down some stairs. I should be there this Sunday.”
    “I noticed you walking a little gingerly. My husband is the music leader so I usually sit near the front.”
    “I’ll look for you.”
    They stopped at the door of Laurel’s classroom. “Has our esteemed headmaster asked you to sponsor any afterschool activities yet?”
    “He’d like me to consider the debate club. I did that at my previous school so I’m familiar with the routine. He also wants me to head up the school’s participation in the 10K run for the Arthritis Foundation coming up in a few weeks.”
    “That’s just the beginning. As a school, we’re very active in the community. Last year the senior class did a project with Habitat for Humanity.”
    “I did one of those in college – it was a great experience.”
    Patty glanced at her watch. “I’ve got to run. Roger and I are going out to dinner tonight. Between our jobs and our kids, we don’t have much time alone.”
    A shadow passed over Laurel’s face. Just before the incident with Colton, they’d been talking about starting a family. After he moved out, she’d been relieved there weren’t any children to be hurt by their separation, but that hadn’t lessened the ache in her heart. Would she ever know the joy of being a mother?
    Summoning a smile, Laurel said, “I hope you have a nice time. I’ll see you on Sunday.”
    In her classroom, Laurel looked around at the rows of desks. She needed to stop dwelling on what she didn’t have. Her job was off to a great start, she’d just made a friend, and Colton hadn’t tried to contact her. She should be happy. With an impatient movement, she slid a bundle of papers into her bag. She’d go home, change clothes and take advantage of the swimming pool across from her apartment.
    * * * *
    Laying her tote bag and towel on a chair, Laurel descended the steps into the warm water. As she swam laps in the rectangular pool, the knot of tension in her stomach eased. She turned over and floated on her back, her eyes focused on the fluffy, white clouds in the sky. This is what she needed to do every day after work, at least until the weather got too cold to make swimming enjoyable.
    She was sitting on a lounge chair towel-drying her hair when she heard the pool gate open. A young couple walked past her and sat down at one of the tables in the corner. Laurel didn’t look in their direction, but in the absence of anyone else present, she caught most of their conversation.
    “Did you get the job or not, Tony?”
    Laurel’s hands stilled. Where had she heard that voice before?
    The man laughed. “I start on Monday.”
    “I hope you remembered to stop by and thank my favorite doctor. He put a good word in for you.”
    “Of course I did. He invited me to go fishing tomorrow.”
    “What about me?” the woman asked.
    “Do you want to go fishing with three guys?”
    “I’ve always liked being the center of attention.”
    “Isn’t my attention enough?”
    Feminine laughter filled the air and something clicked in Laurel’s brain; that voice belonged to the nursing aide from the ER. She twisted around to see if her hunch was right. Before she could glance away, the woman looked up and smiled.
    “Hello, again. How’s the ankle?”
    Amazed that the woman remembered her, Laurel answered, “It’s much better; thanks for asking. I’m sorry; I can’t recall your name.”
    “It’s Amber. I’ll tell Dr. Samuels I ran into you. He likes to know how his

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