Finding the Way Back (Book 1 in the Forgiving Hearts Trilogy)

Finding the Way Back (Book 1 in the Forgiving Hearts Trilogy) by Erin Landy Page A

Book: Finding the Way Back (Book 1 in the Forgiving Hearts Trilogy) by Erin Landy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin Landy
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life. What a fool he’d been!
    With a heavy sigh, he took his plate to the sink, feeling guilty at his inability to do justice to Mallory’s lasagna. His hunger wasn’t for food – it was for companionship. Without Laurel, Colton was only half alive. In order to not go completely crazy, he’d abandoned the treadmill set up in the living room and taken up running.
    Looking down at the two pairs of eyes watching him intently, he wondered if his canine friends would enjoy some exercise. With a shrug, he went into the laundry room and grabbed the leashes. In no time, he was jogging down the sidewalk, his companions looking as if they’d been transported to doggie heaven.
    This new hobby gave him an outlet for his restlessness and also allowed him to clear his mind. Just as his body grew physically stronger, so did his spiritual relationship with God. The result had been a rediscovery of the joy of being in close commune with his Heavenly Father.
    Colton didn’t run as far as he usually did out of consideration for the dogs. On the way back to Spence’s house, he noticed a young woman strolling toward him. Remembering Laurel’s request, he hoped his sunglasses would be enough to keep his sister-in-law from recognizing him. Just as they drew level, she halted.
    “Colton Samuels! I thought that was you.”
    He had no choice but to stop. “Hello, Rose. How are you?”
    “Great. Are they yours?” she asked.
    He glanced down to find the dogs taking advantage of the delay to lie down. “No, I’m watching them for a friend.”
    “Do you live around here?”
    “I’ve got a place in Brunswick.”
    “I saw you at the hospital yesterday. Isn’t it strange that you and Laurel left Charleston and ended up here?”
    Laurel was living here? Why hadn’t she said so when he asked her? She’d let him believe she was visiting Rose. As the realization of her omission registered, he swayed as if he’d been dealt a body blow. With an effort, he struggled to regain his composure. “How’s her ankle doing?”
    “The swelling is almost gone. She was able to put weight on her foot.”
    “That’s great as long as she doesn’t try to do too much too soon.”
    “She’s extra motivated because school starts on Monday.”
    “Where’s she teaching?” he asked.
    Rose bit her lip. “That’s something she should be telling you.”
    He nodded. “You’re right; I shouldn’t have asked.”
    “What’s going on with you guys? All I get from Laurel is some nonsense about growing apart. There has to be more to it than that.”
    Colton looked past her, not able to meet her eyes. “It’s not for me to tell you, but Laurel isn’t to blame in any way for what happened.”
    She laid her hand on his arm. “Isn’t there anything you can do?”
    “All I can do is pray. It was nice running into you. Tell Greg I said hello.”
    As she watched him jog away, Rose tapped her cheek thoughtfully before turning back the way she’d come.
    * * * *
    The last day of Laurel’s first week of school ended with a rousing pep rally in the gym. Her ears were still ringing as she made her way back to her classroom. One of the other teachers caught up with her and tapped her on the shoulder.
    “I’ve been meaning to introduce myself. I’m Patty Livingston, and I’m around the corner from you. I attempt to teach algebra and geometry.”
    Laurel held out her hand to the older woman. “It’s nice to meet you, Patty; I’m Laurel Samuels. I teach American History as well as Creative Writing.”
    “Do you think you’re going to like it here?”
    “I like the smaller class sizes. I’m used to having thirty students; eighteen is a nice change.”
    “Are you new to the area?”
    Laurel nodded. “I moved here from Charleston about a month ago.”
    “I’ve lived here all my life, so if you need any advice on anything, just ask. I know almost everyone in St. Simons.”
    “Do you know Rose Hilverston?”
    Patty grinned. “Sure do. She goes to my

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