Finding My Way
anyone else could do about it. Worse case, I transfer, but that will mean I’ll likely miss my freshman year. I can’t do that to Mason though. He’s excited that we’ll be taking the field together; at least I have his support if no one else’s.
    Baseball is over. Nick Ashford was the hero of the season. I didn’t even care, not about him nor the season. I want high school to be over. We won the state title with Ashford getting the most valuable player of the season. It didn’t escape my attention when I saw him eying Josie either. I don’t know where he’s going to college, but for the sake of his kneecaps it better be at least a plane ride away from Beaumont. I don’t want him anywhere near my girl.
    As Mason and I will now be together, I’ve decided not to ask Josie to go to school with me. The thought of Katelyn being alone didn’t sit too well. I wouldn’t want Josie alone, so taking her away from Katelyn is the wrong thing to do. They can go to college together, while Mason and I destroy defense in Texas. We’ll make sure we see the girls as much as possible. Josie knows that during football it will be almost impossible, but I’m going to make the time. Texas is within a day’s drive so it shouldn’t be too bad.
    I have two more rites of passages before I’m free from the confines of teenage life: prom and graduation. The latter of which can’t happen fast enough. I’m ready to get the hell out of this house. I need to talk to the Prestons and ask if I can stay at their place while I’m on vacation. Once I leave I’m never coming back to this house. There’s nothing here for me except memories that I want to forget. It’s time to create new memories with Josie and prepare our life together.
    Tonight can be the beginning. It’s our last dance together. Senior prom is upon us and I’ve gone all out just for her. That’s the one thing I’m surprised about – Sterling hasn’t cut off my funds. I keep spending and the money seems to be there. I’m not complaining. He’s making prom as special as it can be for Josie. I’ve rented a limo and we’ll pick up Mason and Katelyn, but once we leave the dance, it’s just us. After, we’re hitting the hotel. I have no intentions of leaving her tonight. I want to hold her in my arms until the sunlight is peering through the floral drapes that hang over the sliding glass door. We’re going to stay there until the housekeeper knocks and tells us it’s time to leave. Only then will we untangle and journey back into real life.
    I just want one night – one glimpse – of what our wedding reception will be like. The dancing, the drinking and the nightcap that only adults think they’re permitted to enjoy. I’m allowed to have that fantasy, even if I’m just eighteen and ridiculously in love. No one needs to know what I’m thinking. The guys will know exactly what’s going on when I take Josie by her hand and lead her out of the country club and into the waiting limo.
    The buttons on my crisp white shirt slide into their designated spots with ease. Sitting on my dresser are a set of cuff links that my grandfather left me. I don’t remember him much, but in my mind he’s nothing like Sterling. I slide the links through and bend the clasp. My slacks go on next, tucking my shirt in. I stand in the mirror and adjust my bow tie. My hair is short and I run my hand over the top of head just to give my hair a little bit of life. My vest is next, buttoning it before I step into my shoes. Once they’re tied I look at myself, taking a mental picture. This will be my last time in a tux until Mason’s wedding or mine, which ever will happen first. With one last look I slide my arms into my jacket and button my coat.
    Josie’s corsage is already sitting on my dresser. I picked it up this morning, fearful that if I kept it in the refrigerator something would happen to it. I shouldn’t have to live with that fear, but I do. I don’t know what Sterling is

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