Finding Fiona

Finding Fiona by Viola Grace Page B

Book: Finding Fiona by Viola Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Viola Grace
Tags: Erótica, Literature & Fiction
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professional gymnast, which was easy to see as his shirt was wide open.
    “And why was the pretty man waiting for me?” The male approached her with a deliberate swagger.
    Was he strutting? She moved to put the unicorn between them, but the traitorous beast stepped back to leave them face to face.
    “I will admit to a frisson of guilt by detouring the path of little Mandy here. But as you arrived on schedule, I am satisfied by the result.” He nodded to the unicorn who walked off with Mandy still on his back.
    “Wait! Where is it taking her?”
    “Why, back to the campground, of course.” He sounded like it was the most logical thing in the world.
    “Why did you abduct her in the first place?”
    “My dear Fiona. You would never have come here if I didn’t have bait.”
    The stun gun in his hand came up quickly. Too quickly for her gaze to follow. Fiona shrieked as everything went white.

    Chapter 3
    Waking up was hard to do. Every muscle in her body was screaming. Fiona raised her head and groaned. Either she was still in a cave or she had gone blind.
    “Stay still. That electric shock is a bitch.”
    The voice was not the one pretty boy had used. This one was different, exhausted and far lower in pitch. “So, what are you in for?” Her voice cracked, but it had the desired effect.
    He laughed, “Same as you. A pawn in Baenwik’s plan.”
    “Is that his name?”
    “He didn’t tell you?”
    “No. Like most men, he was all zap and run. Are we still in the cavern?” It was hard to see anything. There was no lighting at all.
    “Deeper in the tunnels than you were. How are you feeling?”
    “Stiff, sore, but otherwise intact, I think.” A quick inventory of her body parts let her know she was in one piece. One aching piece.
    “Good.” Silence fell.
    “What’s your name? You obviously know mine.”
    “Ander. Ander Limon, at your service.”
    A small clink clued her into another fact. Ander was chained to something. “How long have you been down here, Ander?” She was carefully feeling around her area. She was sitting on a pallet of some kind and, when she turned her hands to frisking herself, she almost crowed in triumph. Her safety vest was gone as was her search-issued flashlight, but her personal wind-up flashlight was still tucked into her sock. So was her hunting knife. Yippee. She left the knife where it was, but started to crank up the flashlight immediately.
    “What the hell is that?”
    “A flashlight that doesn’t need batteries.” She finished the fifteen cranks and shone the light into the darkness around her. She was indeed on a small bed and there was one snag she hadn’t counted on, the bed was on a tower of rock surrounded by a pit. The distance from the tower to the edge of the pit was more than ten feet. She would never be able to jump it on her own. “Son of a bitch.”
    “Yes, Baenwik certainly is that.”
    She swung the light toward Ander’s voice and gasped as she saw his dark hair matted with blood and his arms spread to shackle them to the wall over twelve feet away.
    “Not in my eyes please.”
    She moved the beam of light to survey his body and there was a lot of it to see. He was naked. As the light caressed his groin, she jerked guiltily and moved the light to examine his feet instead. “Sorry about that.”
    “Doesn’t bother me. Look all you like.”
    He was smiling. She could hear it in his voice.
    “He’s coming. If you want to keep the flashlight, hide it.”
    Scrambling, she flicked it off and hid it down the back of her jeans. She left her shirt untucked to hide the bulk. Her shirt had just settled into place when light flooded into the room and pretty boy stood on the other side of the chasm.
    Completely naked. That was obvious as the light was coming from him. Without clothing to block the effect, he was truly a beautiful sight to behold. And he was also the psycho that had lured her, stunned her and dropped her on a

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