Finding Faith (Love's Compass Book 4)

Finding Faith (Love's Compass Book 4) by Melanie D. Snitker

Book: Finding Faith (Love's Compass Book 4) by Melanie D. Snitker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melanie D. Snitker
clear she intended to take Gideon to the ER herself. But he didn’t buy it. Not after seeing the fear that worked its way into her eyes. She never had to go through things alone back home and he wasn’t about to let her do it here, either.
    He spoke with Maggie on the phone, letting her know his next class wasn’t until three and he’d be back by then in case anyone was looking for him.
    After Serenity parked her vehicle, he chose a nearby spot and went to see if he could help. She shot him a wary glare the moment she spotted him. He was prepared and ignored it completely.
    Serenity eased Gideon out of the car and into her arms. Aaron moved to shut the door behind them and followed them towards the ER entrance.
    She peeked at him over the top of Gideon’s head. “You didn’t have to come. He’s my son — I’ve got him.”
    He met her gaze without blinking. “I realize that. You have everything under control and Gideon’s one lucky little boy to have a mom he can rely on to take care of him. I’m here for you, Serenity. I’ve got your back if you need anything.”
    Aaron could’ve sworn her eyes misted then, but she turned her attention to the sliding doors before he could be certain. Was she glad he didn’t leave? Or was she upset with him? Right now, it didn’t matter. He was confident she needed him, whether she realized it or not.
    By some miracle, they only waited twenty minutes in the waiting area before being called back. Serenity didn’t tell him otherwise so he joined them.
    The nurse helped get Gideon set up on a bed with hanging curtains providing a degree of privacy. His body appeared tiny compared to the white sheets around him. His eyes were red-rimmed and dried blood all over his shirt bore evidence of his accident.
    Serenity took a spot next to him, smoothing back his hair with one hand. “I hope they get him stitched up soon.”
    There was no mistaking the way her voice shook, or the way she kept her gaze on her son’s face.
    Gideon rested on the gurney, his eyes looked tired and he didn’t move a lot. Aaron put a hand on his shoulder. “You’re a brave kid. I’m proud of you.” The boy lightly touched the gauze on his head. “I see that. I’ll bet it hurt a bunch.” The pout in response made Aaron’s heart ache. He left a hand there and reached over to cover one of Serenity’s. “Everything’s going to be fine.”
    She nodded. When she didn’t look up, he gave her hand a squeeze until she lifted her gaze to his. “I’m okay. Just worried. I don’t know how he’s going to react to this. Normally my brother would be here to help if he fights the nurse. Or my sister would do the stitching herself.” Tears glistened in her eyes. “I probably should have stayed in Kitner. Maybe leaving was a mistake.”
    Aaron knew that she was close to her family, but only now did he realize how much support she must have gotten for Gideon. To have people who had her back like that was hard to come by and it must have been difficult for her to walk away from it. He rubbed the top of her hand with his thumb before letting go. “I’m here and I’ll help in any way I can.”
    Those brown eyes spoke her thanks even if she didn’t utter a word. 
    A nurse came in with a set of scrubs that resembled a summer sky and wore a smile just as bright. “I’m here to patch this handsome little guy up.”
    The nurse explained everything as she went, showed the instruments to Gideon, and then gave a nod to Serenity when she was ready.
    Aaron reached over to hold one of Gideon’s hands while Serenity leaned down until her head was at his level. When the first shot went into the skin to help deaden the area for stitches, the poor little boy cringed and cried out as his body tensed.
    “Baby, give it a few minutes and this will all be over.” Serenity rubbed his cheek with the back of her hand. “How about I sing your favorite song? Concentrate on the words and sing along with me in your head, okay?”

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