Finding Chrissten: Legacy, Book 5

Finding Chrissten: Legacy, Book 5 by N.J. Walters

Book: Finding Chrissten: Legacy, Book 5 by N.J. Walters Read Free Book Online
Authors: N.J. Walters
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displeasure. “Chrissten’s father is coming to see her tonight.”
    “Is that a good idea?” She was glad Hank asked that question. If anyone had asked her opinion on the matter she would have elected to put off this family reunion until this mess with Brian was taken care of.
    Isaiah stared at Hank for the longest time. It was obvious he didn’t like the fact his judgment was being questioned, but Hank didn’t back down. He stood behind her, not touching her, like a sentinel ready to guard her.
    “Better to get it over with. And he may be helpful if he’s still here when we find Brian. We’re looking for a group of six purebloods that we know of, maybe more. We need all the help we can get.
    This was the first she’d heard of this. She felt totally out of the loop. “What do you mean, a group of six?”
    Meredith reached across the table and took one of Chrissten’s hands. She hadn’t realized how cold she was until she felt Meredith’s heat seep into her chilled skin. “Brian is part of a pack of purebloods.”
    Chrissten nodded. “I knew there were more of them than Brian. I just didn’t know how many.”
    “Damek found out there are six of them in total.” Isaiah crossed his arms over his chest, the frown on his face making him even more intimidating.
    “How? How did Damek find out?” Chrissten needed to know everything they did.
    A smile curved Isaiah’s lips upward making him appear cruel in the dim light. “He questioned Doctor Morton before he died.”
    What was left unsaid was that Damek had killed him. Chrissten wasn’t sorry. Phillip Morton deserved to die for what he’d done to her and other females in his sick experiments. “What else did Damek find out?”
    Isaiah shrugged. “That there are six purebloods. Craig is searching for possible locations where they might be staying. We know they’re still in the city.” He stared pointedly at her.
    She clenched her jaw to keep her teeth from chattering. Her body was coated in a sweat. She was so cold. She took a deep breath. “Because I’m still here.”
    Meredith nodded. “He’s a mated male. He won’t leave without you.”
    She’d known that to be true, but to hear another werewolf confirm that fact made it even more real, more deadly. Only one of them would live through the coming confrontation. Or maybe both of them would die.
    And on top of this she had to meet her biological father.
    What was next? The apocalypse?
    She closed her eyes and struggled for control. Meredith squeezed her hand before releasing it. “You’re safe here with us.”
    Chrissten took a deep breath and looked at the couple who had opened their home to her, the alphas of the Haven pack. “Thank you for everything you’ve done.” She needed to thank them just in case something happened and she had to leave suddenly. Events felt like they were beginning to spiral out of control.
    Meredith looked concerned. She couldn’t decipher Isaiah’s expression. Chrissten kept her own face blank as they turned and left her and Hank alone.
    “You are safe here.” He leaned down and braced one hand on the back of her chair and the other on the table in front of her. His forearm was thick with muscle and covered with a light smattering of dark blond hair. A watch with a wide leather strap was wrapped around his wrist. His fingers were long and wide. Strong.
    Chrissten was afraid she’d never truly feel safe again. It was an illusion. Shit happened and you dealt with it. That was life.
    “You don’t have to talk to him if you don’t want to. Your father.”
    She turned her head so she could see him. Hank’s expression was fierce, his eyes blazing with an inner fire. “I don’t think I have much choice.”
    “Bullshit. This isn’t about Donovan Brody. It’s about you, what you want.”
    The ice around Chrissten began to thaw as Hank’s words sank in. He truly meant them. Other than her brothers, no one else had ever put her first.
    “I know you mean that,

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