Finding Charity: Red Devils M.C.

Finding Charity: Red Devils M.C. by Michelle Woods

Book: Finding Charity: Red Devils M.C. by Michelle Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Woods
Then he held the phone out to her.
    “Last chance, baby girl. Call him, or I will take care of it my way.” Tick’s voice was heavy with warning.
    Charity ignored it. “No I will not call him. You’re the one who said this wasn’t a relationship!” She yelled her hands on her hips, her breath sawing in and out of her lungs.
    The bastard better get the fuck over himself. She moved towards the towel he’d thrown on the bed. “Go find a sweetbutt to handle your cock. I don’t want the damned thing anymore!” She roared.
    “Fuck that, baby girl. You want it so bad you can barely stand it.” He growled, the anger that filled him at her insistence that she was done with him, made him feel a little unhinged. He slammed his mouth over hers. His tongue invaded her mouth taking over. His hands tilted her head for better access. She fought him, her hands slamming into his chest, pushing at him.
    After a moment though her hands were clutching at his shoulders instead. She was making those soft mewling sounds she always made when he touched her, making him harder than he was already. His hands began sliding over her body, cupping her tight ass, caressing her breasts, sliding across her soft belly. He wanted to own her.
    Charity tried to resist his forceful assault on her mouth. It only took a moment for her brain to become fogged with passion, and she clutched him to her unable to help herself. She wasn’t done with him. No matter how she’d tried to delude herself, she still wanted him for as long as she could get him. Moaning, she allowed him to caress her. She was such a pushover when it came to him, she thought wearily. She wanted to protest, only the man melted her insides.
    Tick moved his hands away from her body to remove his clothes. He needed to be inside her now, his brain roared. He didn’t care what she thought, she wasn’t going anywhere near that prat again. If he had to meet the man at the door buck naked to get his point across he would. His hands ripped his cut and shirt off. He pushed pants down kicking them off before laying back on the bed with her beneath him. She was moaning, her body arching into him.
    His hands moved to position himself at her entrance. She was running her hands over his chest, her fingers pinching his nipples as her mouth caressed his neck. Fuck that felt good, he thought, his hands cupping her breasts, his own mouth taking a tight peak in, sucking it. He’d never really liked women playing with his nipples, but there was something about the way Charity did that move that set his dick on fire. He thrust his harden cock into her with a roar. Groaning as he began to take her in hard driving strokes.
    His mouth still kissing over her breast and up to her mouth. He was like a wild animal, slamming his body into hers. She wiggled and moaned as he thrust her hands clutching his shoulders as he took her. She moaned, then climaxed around his invading member. He placed his finger at her clit working it gently as he thrust into her. She came a second time, her body gripping his. He didn’t stop working her into another frenzy, and by the time he finally roared her name as his own orgasm over took him she was completely limp from her own pleasure.
    He slowly pulled himself free from her limp body. He lay beside her, with her head on his shoulder. She was asleep only moments later, making a deep satisfaction fill him. He lay there thinking. He should really get up and call that dickhead and tell him that he wouldn’t be taking his woman out tonight. She was too worn out from all the orgasms he’d given her, but then he thought of a better way to drive the point home that Charity belonged to him now. Smiling, he kissed his woman’s forehead before he got up, pulling on some sweat pants and went downstairs to wait.

Chapter 13
    Tick smiled grimly when he heard the knock on his door. He walked towards the door opening it to see Travis standing there. The man looked a bit startled to see

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