Find You in the Dark
passed amped up the angst level to an unbearable degree.  Did he realize how much I wanted him?  Needed him with a passion that scared me? Or was he a dolt just like Daniel?
      Clay cleared his throat.  “I can't wait to see you tonight.”  He said, almost strangling on his words.  My cheeks flushed hot.  I nodded again with my back to him, and left. 
      Dolt it was.
      Once outside with the door firmly closed behind me, I sagged.  I wasn't sure how long I could keep up this “friendship.”  Not when I wanted so much more.  I'd never experienced anything like the crazy feelings that Clayton stirred up inside of me and I didn't know what to do about it.  There had been about thirty seconds there when I just knew he wanted the same thing I did before the window slammed shut. 
      Was I expecting too much too fast?  Maybe I was being pushy and inconsiderate of Clay's feelings and needs.  Should I back off and let him come to me when he was ready?  As great and thoughtful as that all sounded, it so wasn't me.  I wasn't one to sit back and wait for shit to happen.  So that's why this whole will- they-won't- they thing was exhausting.  But I didn't want to give up.  Clay was worth more than that.  Our friendship was something special and I couldn't ruin that. 
      I chuckled to myself and I headed home.  Damn it if Daniel hadn't been right -(not that I would EVER tell him that-).  He had told me that one day I would get what all the fuss was about, and that day had just arrived.

                                                 Chapter Seven
      “ It's packed!  I don't even recognize half of these people.”  I whined as Rachel and I parked my Corolla in the field behind Melissa James's house.  Rachel pulled the visor down and touched up her lip gloss and fluffed her hair.  “Awesome!  I'm down with meeting some new people tonight.”  Rachel said, pulling on her pink cardigan. 
      I was less enthused about getting out of the car.  The thing I had always liked about Melissa's parties was that they were usually small and relatively controlled with no more than eighty or so people.  I could relax and hang out without dealing with drunken idiots trying to cop a feel.  If I was going to be groped, it would be on my terms only.
      But this party was heaving.  There were at least 100 cars parked in the field and crowds of people dancing and drinking out of solo cups around the humongous bonfire.  “Get out of the car, Mags.  Lets go mingle.”  I ran a brush through my limp hair and finally gave up and pulled it back in a ponytail.  “Uh uh.” Rachel said, pulling the tie out.  She hated it when I put my hair back, telling me I was so much prettier with it down.  She threw the hair tie out of the window.  “Rachel!” I yelled.  But she was already moving away, toward the huge fire leaping against the dark sky.
      I looked quickly around, trying to spot Clay's BMW in the throng of cars.  I couldn't find it, so I grudgingly followed my friend.  “Hey, Maggie.”  A guy slurred as I approached the party.  I squinted in the darkness and made out Raymond Lewis, a guy in my grade who was friends with Daniel and often hung in our circle.  I was friends with his girlfriend Clare, who had been in French Club with me freshman year.
       It was obvious Ray had already had a lot to drink, as he hung onto me for support.  Damn it, I had told Clay this wouldn't be that kind of party.  I was just made a liar, and that pissed me off.
      “ Get off, Ray.”  I shook my arm, trying to get loose.  Raymond awkwardly slung his arm around my waist, more in an effort to stay upright it seemed than in any kind of friendly affection.  “I think you need a drink, Maggie.  Come on.”  I wiggled out of his grasp and didn't follow as he tottered off in the direction of Melissa's house. 
      I found Rachel, red cup already in

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