Finally Found

Finally Found by Nicole Andrews Moore

Book: Finally Found by Nicole Andrews Moore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Andrews Moore
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snapped her fingers in front of his face. “Come on back, big boy. Don’t make me sorry that I shared my body for our mutual pleasure. The wine was about my need to get a wine count so we can plan for the cocktail party.”

    His smile faded. “You are all business one minute, all pleasure the next. I have trouble keeping up.”

    “I told you. Even that was business. We were just taking care of a need…together. That’s all. Don’t make it something it’s not. I know of at least 117 women that would claim you never had these mushy feelings after sex. Yet here you are, hassling me.” She frowned. “I’m going to think long and hard before I ever get you…long and hard again.”

    With that, they wore their business faces. They ate dinner amicably, while Adam missed the warmth that might have been between them. After dinner, he washed, deciding to do all the clean up, rather than suffer from her presence in the room. Cammie had simply shrugged and said she had work to do before exiting the kitchen. He hadn’t seen her since.

    Apparently she went to her room for the night and he went to his. Not his parents’ former room, but to the room he grew up in. This room hid many of his secrets. There was something special about coming back to a place that had meant so much. This house really did. This was the home of his first summer romance. This was the place that he had lost his mother. It was in this place that he realized he would probably never find love. Now, just in case he forgot, he had Cammie the ice queen to remind him. Love was stupid. It was a weak and wasted emotion. Thank God, he’d never had to worry about it.

    The house was entirely too quiet. Cammie had tried to go to sl eep. She had sucked down two glasses of wine with dinner, but the truth was that she was still wound up from the sex she told him they were never going to have. He really had been quite the dream lover. He had been giving. He listened to her directions. He was enthusiastic. And most of all, he made her feel like a woman, a desirable, sexy woman. She hadn’t felt that way in a long time. She prayed this wasn’t some horrible deep seeded need to get even…to make him pay, to show Cin up, to repair her own bruised ego.

    Ten years ago, she and her sister had made a dumb bet. Adam Davenport was the most eligible bachelor in town. Every woman wanted him. He was only too happy to oblige them…for a night. Though they were well aware of his reputation, that he was out of their league, they were also intrigued. They had these new barely legal bodies to try out. They were both wildly attractive in their own way. It was hard to believe they were sisters until the entire family came together. Then it was obvious who took after whom. Oh, but Cin swore she could have him, swore that he would want her, too. There may have even been assertions that she would one day be Mrs. Adam Davenport.

    Cammie had laughed. She retorted about blondes having more fun and how much she was going to enjoy rubbing Cin’s nose in it. They were young and dumb, attractive and competitive. In the end…Cin won. Yet as Cammie passed her bedroom the next few days, she would have cause to ponder whether it had been worth it for her sister. She had never appeared to be so depressed and dejected in all her life. Finally after the third day, Cammie had ventured in to ask that all-important question… how was it? She thought that might cheer her up, bring her back from wherever it was she had been all this time.

    Instead it was worse, far worse. She heard how he had slept with Cin, sent her home in a cab, and told her he’d call…even as she knew he wouldn’t. She remembered how he dressed after, wouldn’t be seen with her, and had even overheard Adam make some joke about having trouble finding good help. He was the worst kind of guy. He wasn’t even a man.

    From that moment, Cammie had distanced herself at all the parties. He had called her out, complained that

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