Fighting to be Free by Kirsty Moseley

Fighting to be Free by Kirsty Moseley by Kirsty Moseley

Book: Fighting to be Free by Kirsty Moseley by Kirsty Moseley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kirsty Moseley
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than near my crappy little place.

    She thought about it for a few seconds, her hands gripping my shoulders tightly as I sucked on the side of her neck giving her a hicky, wanting to mark her for some reason. Looking at my love bite on the side of her neck made me feel a little strange, I loved the sight of it there, it looked so good against her pale skin.

    “Ok, but how about you drive me to school in the morning instead, and then I can get Stacey to drive me to my car at the end of the day. That way we won‘t have to rush around as much in the morning,” she suggested, her voice thick with lust.

    “Sure, whatever you want,” I mumbled, sucking a little harder on the same love bite, making it darker.

    “Come on then stud, before the anticipation kills me.” She unwrapped one of her legs from my waist. I didn’t want to let her go, but I guess it was only for a little while. I kissed her lightly, before quickly pumping the condom machine with all the change I had, making her giggle and press her face into my back, her hands gripping my hips, obviously embarrassed again.

    I held her hand as we walked to my truck, it was pretty cold so I wrapped my jacket around her shoulders again. She smiled at me gratefully as she called her friend to ask her to take her school books and stuff to school for her in the morning.
    When we pulled outside my building, I checked everywhere first before opening her door. There was no one around tonight, not even the usual prostitutes that hung around out front. I ushered her upstairs, my body bursting with excitement at the thought of being with her again.

    We stopped outside my door and I fumbled with my keys as she grabbed around my waist pulling me closer to her, pressing her exquisite body against mine. Once I shoved the key in the lock I bent my head and kissed her, she tasted so amazing and I couldn’t help but moan in appreciation. She moved slightly and was in the way of the lock so I couldn’t open the door. I slipped my hands down to her ass and lifted her, pressing her against the door. She immediately wrapped her long legs around my waist, squeezing herself to me tighter.

    I was very conscious that we were still standing in the crappy little hallway and it wasn’t really safe for her to be here. I knew I’d be able to protect her but I didn’t want her to have to see that, so I quickly got to work on the locks again and finally managed to pry the door open, while she kissed and nibbled at my jaw. I was so turned on already it was unreal.

    Once we were in, I slammed the door behind me and flicked the lock. As I turned back into my room I stopped, my stuff was everywhere, my clothes all over the floor, all the furniture upturned.
    Someone had broken into my room.

    Ellie kissed back up to my mouth but I needed to make sure no one was still in here. “Get down now!” I ordered, supporting her weight with one arm while I unclamped her legs from my waist quickly with the other.

    “Jamie, what?” she asked, looking at me like I’d gone crazy.

    Shit, maybe I frightened her, oh well no time to explain now. I grabbed her hand and forced her behind me as I looked over my room, but there was no one here. I pushed her gently against the wall as I strode over to my little bathroom to make sure whoever had been in my room, had definitely left. Oh shit, please don’t have taken my money!

    “Oh God, what happened? Have you been robbed?” Ellie asked breathlessly, obviously taking in the room for the first time. I didn’t answer I went straight to the toilet and lifted the lid of the cistern quickly, but there was nothing in there. The little plastic bag that I had put my money in was gone.
    Fuck it, that was everything I had! “I’ll call the police,” Ellie said quickly.

    What? Police, no way! I don’t want to call the police, I’ll get killed for being a freaking grass!

    “No Ellie, it’s fine, nothings been taken, it’s just a mess that’s all. There’s no

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