Fighting Malevolent Spirits: A Demonologist's Darkest Encounters
to interact with the entity by conducting EVP sessions. The more attention they gave the entity, the more disruptive it became. It was growing in strength and force.
    One morning, Whitney was taking a bath when she saw several dark shadows standing outside of the shower. The shadows moved in front of the shower curtain, blocking out the light from the bathroom vanity. Whitney instinctively knew these figures were not her son or husband. Panic began to settle in. She called out to her husband, unsure of what to do as she was too frightened to leave the shower. David entered the bathroom and reassured Whitney that nothing was out of place and no intruders were in the bathroom. The shadows were gone.
    “See? Look. There is no one in here. You’re fine. The heating vents were probably just moving the shower curtain and it looked like someone was in here.” David tried calming Whitney but provided her with no relief. Whitney was positive that she saw figures outside the shower. Whitney returned to her routine of getting ready that day. As time passed that afternoon, she began to doubt her own experience and reasoned that she was severely sleep deprived. Whitney was losing rest lately, waking up in the early hours of the morning without an explanation. She assumed it was related to the stress of trying to finish the house and diminishing finances. Maybe I am losing my mind. I need to get some sleep, Whitney thought to herself.
    Days passed and Whitney found herself performing her daily ritual of getting ready again while David was at work. She headed into the master bedroom to get dressed after her shower, patting her face dry. As she removed her towel to put her clothes on, she heard a distinct wolf-whistle—as if someone were being sexually suggestive towards her. Whitney got the chills, and the feeling of being violated engulfed her. She was home alone and the whistling came from directly behind her in the bedroom. Afraid of possibly seeing the ethereal intruder, Whitney quickly dressed herself and ran downstairs, pretending not to hear the perverse whistle. The entity was making its presence known more frequently and in more direct ways, which unsettled Whitney.
    Soon, Whitney began awakening at exactly 3:00 a.m. every morning. She could feel an evil presence in the bedroom with her. Dark shadows would commonly appear next to the television in the master bedroom. David would always be fast asleep during these encounters. Whitney could not wake him up some nights and I wondered if David was experiencing the same “psychic sleep” that my ex-boyfriend Jack had experienced. Whitney would shake and pinch David, trying to rouse him from his sleep, but he would remain in a deep slumber. Whitney would shut her eyes tightly, hoping that the shadows would disappear once she opened her eyes again. Instead, the shadows would be located in different parts of the bedroom, as if they teleported, further terrifying Whitney. Trying to ignore the spirits she rolled over and tucked her head into David’s shoulder and tried falling back asleep. It was becoming a regular occurrence.
    One evening, Whitney had forgotten to turn off the T.V. before drifting off to sleep. When 3:00 a.m. rolled around, Whitney found herself awake again. She rubbed her eyes trying to make out the television and realized there was something dark blocking the screen. As she cleared her eyes and strained to make sense of what she was seeing, she saw a figure directly in front of the television. The black silhouette growled. She stared in horror and watched as the entity took its long, slender hand and dragged its fingers across the screen. Whitney shrieked and ran downstairs, leaving David still sleeping in the bed. David never woke up. She spent the night downstairs on the couch and regretfully told David the story in the morning.
    “Its fingers were long and narrow, almost skeletal,” Whitney explained while rubbing her arms from goose bumps. Her abhorrence and

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