Fiending for His Love
emptying the money out of the safe. The only thing that mattered to him at that second was his life, and him making it to the hospital to see his wife who was dying from cancer.
    Pulling the money out, Donald began to cry and pray for his life. Some people got behind a trigger and so many possibilities existed. There could be a mistake, the joy of the adrenaline rush, a cold-blooded murder, and so on. He placed all of the money on top of the counter. “That’s all I have.”
    Candy’s eyes enlarged seeing all the money laid across the counter top. She was going to be Blaze’s number on hands down. There had to be at least $5,000 or more lying across the counter. She ripped a black plastic bag from the bag rack and tossed it to Donald.
    Without saying a word, Donald already knew what to do. He quickly filled the bag up with his hard earned money. He was too old for all the chaos and it was taking a whipping on his old soul. His mind was already made up. He was passing the store down to one of his grandchildren. They could deal with the chaos if chosen.
    Candy snatched the bag out of his hand and made a run for it. Had Old Man Donald worn his glasses he would have seen the palm sized tattoo across Candy’s back that read ‘Candy’ with a heart and then underneath ‘Blaze’s Bitch’.
    Old Man Donald sprawled across the floor, crying and praying to the man who had a light shining over top of him. “Glory be to the Lord! Thank you! Thank you!” he repeated. Candy had been so eager that Donald didn’t know how bad things could have gotten.
    Leaving her purse behind, Candy continued to make her way home. Rushing into the house she bumped into her daughter. She picked her up and planted kisses all over her forehead. The stunt that she just pulled could have cost her her life. She loved the adrenaline rush that she had received. Already she was anticipating pulling another stunt. Besides, it was just so damn easy. She thought about robbing old men instead of turning tricks. Candy climbed the steps two by two. She slammed the door to her room and began counting the money.
    “9,000-fucking-thousand dollars,” Candy cooed, totaling the money up. Please! All this money, a bitch doesn’t have to work the stroll for a few days, she thought. Fuck that, I’m itching this shit out to Blaze and get my fucking party on. This pussy needs a break! There’s no way I would break him off with all this money to be on the stroll working my ass off. You give a nigga this much money, he gon’ want this much all the damn time. Besides, I don’t want this nigga questioning me about where I got this money from.
    Candy stood in front of the mirror and did a few booty claps and spun around before falling out on the bed next to the money. She picked the money up smelling it then laid it back down on the bed.
    “Bitch, unlock this door. What the hell you doing up in there!” Blaze cursed from the other side of the door.
    Why is he back so soon, Candy thought until she looked at the clock and realized that she was back late verses him being back early. He was vexed that Candy had ran pass him ignoring him, not once acknowledging him about his damn money. Noticing how much of a rush she was in he figured that she had to be in that room hiding something.
    Candy quickly grabbed the money, taking $2100 out of the bundle and hiding the rest under her mattress. “Sorry, Blaze. I just wanted some alone time,” Candy said opening up the door. “This fucking trick I dated pissed me off so much. I had to do him and four of his fucking coworkers and it wasn’t fucking fun nor pretty,” Candy lied. She went into her bra and pulled out the money, handing it over to Blaze.
    Blaze licked his fingers and began counting the money. “For sho, you did your thing, little mama. It was about to be Blaze’s way or the fucking highway.” He smiled. He was impressed that Candy had gone out there and made things happen.
    “Yes Daddy. I have to

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