Fevered Hearts
proceedings, which meant she might be held late tonight—and would be forced to sit beside Tony longer.
    She glanced at the huge clock. Two hours before they’d break for lunch.
    “Everything all right, Ivy?” Tony asked in his same low voice.
    She pursed her lips. “Fine.”
    “Two ‘fines’ in a row, huh?” His teasing tone made her skin crawl.
    At that moment, the door to the judge’s chambers sounded, and Ivy launched to her feet. “The Honorable Judge Bancroft. Please stand.”
    As Tony stood, his sleeve brushed hers. Fear was a bitter taste in the back of her throat. With one caress, her safe and comfortable job had been transformed to a dark place. How was she going to shed light on it again?
    All throughout the morning, she fought to focus on the case and the courtroom, as was her duty. When she fumbled to find a paper, Tony ran a finger through the pile and plucked the one she needed free.
    Hatred loomed inside her.
    By the time she escaped for lunch, she had worked herself into a frenzy. What if he asked her to lunch, as he sometimes did? They’d only ever walked to the sub shop together and grabbed a quick bite. Nothing untoward. Now she questioned her former moves. Dissected each look or word she’d ever given the man.
    Feeling adrift, she sank to the bench outside the courthouse and dialed Liam’s cell. He was going to the office again today after his therapy session. Besides wanting to know how his therapy had gone, she needed to hear his voice.
    “Liam.” Tears threatened.
    His voice was tight. “Hey, Ivy. How’s your day?”
    Miserable. Please talk to me. “Fine. How about yours? Therapy okay?”
    “Kicked my ass but it was good.” What was that strain in his voice for? Friday night had been extraordinary, and even after Ward left on Saturday morning, Liam and Ivy had continued their easy banter and general warmth toward each other.
    “Are you getting some work done at the office?” she asked.
    “Uh, yeah. Ward’s coming by to talk to me any minute.”
    Her stomach flipped at Ward’s name.
    “Everything going all right in court today, baby?”
    She pinched the bridge of her nose hard, trying to hold off the stinging tears. No, horribly all wrong today, Liam. Come get me.
    But she didn’t say that. Liam had enough demons without her adding a touchy bailiff to the mix. She sucked in a quiet breath and said, “Actually, court is about to resume. I’ve gotta run. I’ll see you tonight. And if you’d like, invite Ward for dinner.”
    And invite him for more if you want was unspoken.
    “All right, baby. Talk to you soon.” Liam’s voice warmed a fraction, comforting her more than he could have known.
    She had no appetite for lunch, so she sat on a park bench across from the courthouse, trying to gain some calm. All she could do was stand up to Tony.
    Back in the courtroom, she met his gaze head-on. This man wasn’t going to make her job a living hell. If he tried to touch her or said anything inappropriate, she’d see that he was removed from his position.
    “Have a good lunch, Ivy?”
    “Yes,” she said coolly, and suddenly realized it was true. She’d gained some precious clarity on the situation and wasn’t going to be cowed by Tony. She’d heard Liam’s voice. And tonight, she might find herself locked between two hard male bodies again.
    “Stop your damn pacing, Mattson,” Ward said in a grim voice.
    Liam rolled to a stop, surprise sparking through his system. He’d never considered that he was able to “pace” in his wheelchair, but he supposed that’s exactly what he was doing, rolling the length of the forestry office.
    He jammed his fingers through his hair. “What the hell is the plan, Ward?”
    For ten minutes, they’d sat in silence, pondering how to best take care of this situation. They needed to preserve the company, and Ward’s company would now be targeted since he had recently aligned himself with Mattson Hardwoods. But more than anything, they

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