Feral Magnetism

Feral Magnetism by Lacey Savage

Book: Feral Magnetism by Lacey Savage Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lacey Savage
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Brad watched J.C. run through the open door of the shack after Eve a week ago, he knew things were over between them.
    J.C. had found a mate. The elders would be ecstatic, once they got past the fact that she was human. Brad had no doubt J.C. would be able to convince them the union was best for the pack. He’d learned Eve was a scientist, and likely one who could help the Zanteans with their fertility issues.
    No, Brad wasn’t worried about them. He was concerned about himself.
    The constant need in his groin, the longing that had to be satisfied, hadn’t diminished just because J.C. was off-limits. If anything, it grew and grew. It pulsed and throbbed, begging for release. And more than ever, he wished he was the one fucking a man’s ass, plunging his cock inside a tight, hot anal passage slick with lubricant and eager for him.
    From his spot in front of the “Blow Me Away” roller-coaster ride, Brad looked over the span of his amusement park, eyeing men in turn. As always, Friday nights were packed. There were tall men, short men, muscled men, lean men… every sort of man imaginable.
    He should have been looking for a woman. The elders would have liked nothing more than to finally see him paired off with a female of their species. Well, the elders would just have to wait a while longer. He’d enjoyed sharing Eve with J.C., but that didn’t mean he was ready to make a permanent commitment to never fuck a man again.
    Palming his thick, eager cock, he descended the brief set of stairs and walked out into the crowd. He had to find a man to alleviate the ache in his balls from among the hundreds of guys who filled the amusement park.
    “This is going to take off. I know it is.” The rich, deep voice caught Brad’s attention. He stood to the side of a small group of men of mixed ethnicity. Four of them were eyeing each other with amused smiles, while the fifth gestured excitedly. “I’ve got the meeting in the bag. I just need a chance to --”
    “The only thing you should have in your bag is a cupful of cum waiting to spurt all over some guy’s ass. That’s why we’re here, Sean.”
    Sean blushed, a becoming shade of red traveling up his neck to highlight his cheekbones. The contrast to his blond hair and blue eyes was mesmerizing. Brad nibbled at his lower lip, unable to tear his gaze away.
    “No, that’s why you’re here, Richard,” Sean said. “I’m along because you guys would have dragged me out of the house if you had to bind and gag me first.”
    Ah, now there was an appealing thought. A brief mental image of Sean splayed on Brad’s bed, ankles and wrists bound to the bedposts, cock jutting forward just waiting to be sucked, flew across Brad’s field of vision. He swallowed back a groan.
    Oh, yeah. It had been much too long since he’d had a new man in his bed. And he wanted this one.
    A couple of minutes later, Brad broke through the tight circle of men. Flashing a brief grin at the group, he handed Sean a folded piece of paper.
    “What’s this?” Sean asked, confusion flittering briefly across his brow.
    Brad shrugged. “Your mission, should you choose to accept it.”
    Then he walked away, grinning. Excited whispers echoed in his wake.
    The End… for now.

    Lacey Savage
    Lacey Savage began her love affair with romance at an early age. In high school, she checked out steamy romance novels from the public library and would often be found reading them in the middle of class. Lacey still reads more than she cares to admit, and probably more than her husband would like, considering how many books she keeps bringing into the house. Her favorite genres have always been erotica, romance, fantasy, science fiction and mystery, so she tries to incorporate a little of each into her writing. She initially majored in Marketing, then went back to school to major in English Literature. After earning her degrees, she decided to turn her efforts to her true passion: writing. A hopeless

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