Feral Awakening (The Feral Series-Book 2)

Feral Awakening (The Feral Series-Book 2) by Erin Ashley

Book: Feral Awakening (The Feral Series-Book 2) by Erin Ashley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin Ashley
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his little
mate. Eyes glowing and claws extended, Ronan and Teagan fought their way out of
the temple and across the grounds to the door of the meeting hall.
     Pushing his way
through the rush of people trying to get out, he searched for a glimpse of a
little pink dress. Seeing a bit of fabric sticking out from under a table, he
crouched down and pulled the table cloth up. Katianna sat huddled under the
table her face buried in her pulled up knees.
     “Katianna!” The sound
of his voice brought her head up as he reached under the table and pulled her
into his arms. Standing up with her he searched the room for her mother.
     “Moira!” He fought his
way to her through the debris, little Katianna grasped safely in his arms. Spotting
her across the room he hurried to get to her.
     Moira sat propped
against the wall tears running down her face. She stared in front of her but
without seeing anything. She had clearly felt the loss of her mate down through
her soul. The bond broken she sat dazed and lifeless.
     Kneeling down in front
of her, he kept Katianna’s face buried in his collar, not wanting her to see
the condition her mother was in. “Moria! Moria!” Grabbing her shoulder he
gently shook her. Quickly he thought of the one thing that might pull her from
her stupor. “Moria, Katianna needs you. Snap out of it. Katianna is in danger.”
Focus slowly came back into her eyes and he finally saw signs of recognition as
she looked at the child in his arms. Moria sobbed when she spotted him holding
Katianna in his arms.
     “We have to get you
two out of here.” She nodded her agreement as he pulled her to her feet and
carefully put Katianna into her arms. Moria buried her face into her little girl’s
hair and wept. Ronan wrapped his arm around the two of them protectively and
lead them to the door just as Teagan burst through the opening.
     “Come on, let’s get
them out of here.” Teagan said as he lead the way back through the door and out
into the night.
     “Dam it, where is her
guard?” Ronan asked
     “They are all too
busy, fighting with us!” Teagan answered in disgust.
     Making their way cautiously
through the streets they debated on where to take the two females. A dark shape
emerged from one of the buildings in front of them and both brothers were quick
to push the females behind them protectively as they drew their blades.
     “Wait!” Moira’s voice
rang out behind him as she placed her hand on his arm. “That is Jamison, he is
captain of my mates guard. He is only trying to protect us.”
     The O’Connell guard watched
them closely, ready to attack if either brother made any move to harm the females
behind them. “We will be safe with him, he can get us back to O’Connell
     “Very well.” Ronan
slid his blade into the sheath at his hip and held his hands out.
     “Send the females over
to me and no one will get hurt.” Jamison barked at them. Teagan snorted at his
arrogance. “He actually thinks he can harm us brother.”
     “Now is not the time.”
Ronan grumbled at Teagan then spoke to the guard.
     “Katianna is still
bonded to me and as such her safety is my responsibility. I only want to see
her safely away from here. We will stay with you until you are out of McLaren
territory. You either work with us or get out of my way.”
     The O’Connell guard
eyed the two brothers up before nodding and putting his blade in its sheath.
     What seemed like hours
later but in reality was only minutes the men finally had the women safely in a
large SUV at the border of McLaren territory. Bringing the truck to a stop,
Ronan prepared to get out. Once they had got the women into the truck Teagan
had returned to the fighting at the town center and Ronan had stayed with them
until they reached the border.
     Ronan looked into
Moria’s tear swollen eyes before leaving the truck. “I know you may not believe
this but I give you my word that we did not lure you here in a trap

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