Fenella Miller

Fenella Miller by A Dissembler

Book: Fenella Miller by A Dissembler Read Free Book Online
Authors: A Dissembler
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smiled. ‘In that case, sir, we shall look forward to joining you. It is some years since I had the pleasure of visiting Bentley Hall. After Lady Devenish died Sir James became something of a recluse and did not receive.’
    Marianne turned her back on Lucifer in order to admire two pairs of matched greys, pulling a high-perch phaeton. The stallion stretched out his head and snatched at her bonnet sending it down over her eyes, temporarily obscuring her vision.
    ‘Devil take it, Marianne, what have you done to your glorious hair?’
    Emily going to her rescue deftly undid the bow and removed the bonnet, thus revealing a head of golden curls.
    Marianne turned, bonnet in one hand, and smiled somewhat tentatively up at him. ‘I had it cut off, Cousin.’
    ‘Good God, I am not blind, I can see that,’ Theo snapped. ‘Whatever possessed you to do such a stupid thing? All women should have long hair—it is the way things are.’
    ‘That is fustian, Cousin. If gentlemen can arrange their locks as they please, then so can we. And Lord and Lady Grierson approve and I love it.’
    Lady Grierson and Emily watched this lively exchange with astonishment. Why Sir Theodore seemed quite animated, not at all his usual languid self. Too late he realized his mistake and did his best to repair the damage.
    ‘Lady Grierson, I do beg your pardon for my intemperate outburst, so fatiguing being cross, is it not? It was such a shock. Marianne had such very lovely golden tresses, and, do you know, I was thinking seriously of composing an ode to their beauty.’ Marianne snorted inelegantly into her bonnet and he was hard-pressed to keep a straight face.
    ‘I own, Sir Theodore, you surprised me by your vehemence. I thought you such an amiable gentleman.’
    He bowed, a difficult feat whilst sitting astride a plunging horse, and at the same time wishing to give the impression you were a jackanapes who wrote poetry. ‘It is the muse, my dear Lady Grierson, when it strikes I am consumed by a burning desire to write, and now I have been brutally deprived. I am disappointed in you, Cousin Marianne. I shall have more to say on the subject when we meet for dinner this evening.’
    Marianne rammed her hat back on her head and nodded politely. ‘Good luck in the race, Cousin Theo. I do hope you have no mishap.’ They both knew she meant exactly the opposite.
    * * * *
    Emily re-tied the bow under Marianne’s chin and tilted her head to one side. ‘Having less hair has, I am afraid, made your bonnet too big. I am sure it would not have tipped forward so readily otherwise.’
    ‘You are right. I must ask Mrs Dawkins to alter them when she comes with the remainder of our order.’
    A roar from behind them made the girls spin round. Lady Grierson took her youngest daughters’ hands. ‘Quickly girls—that was the ponies on their way. We must join Edward and Papa or we shall miss the finish.’
    They hurried across the track that curved round the edge of the vast green and threaded their way through the crowd to the spot Lord Grierson had chosen to watch his son race. Marianne was dismayed to see the Hawksmiths were stationed right beside him and the earl was staring at her in a most unsettling manner.

Chapter Nine
    ‘Ah, there you are my dears, I was becoming quite anxious,’ Lord Grierson called as they approached. ‘You have missed the start but the ponies will be finishing here as well—they only make one circuit.’
    The crowd obligingly moved apart to allow the three women to stand at the rope barrier. Marianne could see the horses about to take part in the main event milling about in a rudimentary collecting ring a little distance away. Emily tapped her arm and whispered to her.
    ‘Arabella’s parents are standing next to Mama. It is time I introduced you to them for, after all, Arabella is my dearest friend and you are now my sister.’
    Marianne nodded and automatically stiffened her spine, adjusted her gown and checked her

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