Female Prey & the Elusive Prey

Female Prey & the Elusive Prey by S. J. Lewis Page B

Book: Female Prey & the Elusive Prey by S. J. Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. J. Lewis
Tags: Erótica
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bearable. She was tired and hungry. His grip on her hair hurt, the ropes binding her wrists hurt, the soles of her feet hurt from all that walking barefoot along the trail. Something…anything…
    Her mind drifted back to that time, so many years ago, when she’d spied Charlotte Greer sneaking into that old shed in the woods with the Harkin twins. It was late Summer, after high school graduation. Charlotte had been the head cheerleader. Josh and Jake Harkin had been big, fast and powerful linebackers on the football team. Both were going on to college with football scholarships. The three had rarely been seen together at school. There was something furtive in their manner then, something intriguing in Charlotte’s excited but nervous attitude that made her creep closer until she could see into the shack through one of the open, glassless windows.
    Charlotte had been stripped to the waist. Her battered old tennies were gone too, leaving her in only her frayed and faded cutoffs. She was kneeling in front of one of the twins while the other was binding her wrists behind her with what looked like black electrical tape. Charlotte’s eyes were half-closed, her mouth half-open, and her breath was coming fast and shallow. Fascinated, Kimberley had watched through the long, lazy afternoon as the Harkin twins DID things to Charlotte. They had been rough, demanding, even a little cruel, she had thought, but Charlotte never seemed to mind at all, no matter what they did to her. Kimberley had found it hard to keep still, to keep quiet. When the first Harkin twin had made Charlotte take him into her mouth…way, way into her mouth, Kimberley had shuddered and bitten her lip to keep from crying out, wondering just what that felt like. Well, now she knew…she took her captor’s hard, hard cock in a little deeper so that it just brushed the back of her throat. Charlotte had suckled like a starving calf, hungrily, noisily. Kimberley tried to imitate her, imagining herself as Charlotte all those years ago, with her real self outside the old shack, watching and wondering, but perfectly safe so long as she remained very still and very quiet.
    Elf-girl had a strange, dreamy look on her face, but she was certainly doing her job well. Her mouth felt hot, wet and hungry on him, and she kept making little noises, moans, groans and grunts as she sucked and licked. After a little while, he found it was no longer necessary to use his grip on her hair to keep her to her work, but he held on anyway. He groaned himself, and knew this wasn’t going to take long, not long at all.
    When he came, he held her head so that he was deep in her mouth. She squeaked as his grip tightened…pain? Surprise? And then she began swallowing, noisily, messily. He held her there until he was done. When he let her go and pulled out, she just knelt there, eyes closed, head tilted back, still wearing that odd, dreaming expression. Her talented little pink tongue licked at her lips. There was a trickle of semen at the corner of her mouth, and her tongue-tip sought it out, took it in. She settled back on her heels with a long sigh.
    Kurt and Lloyd had been watching her performance with interest. When she sighed, it seemed as if some spell holding them still had broken. “Me next!” Kurt exclaimed an instant before Lloyd could find his voice.
    Kimberley plodded wearily along at the end of her leash. There were still things in the trail that hurt her feet on occasion, but at least the way was more level now. She was still tired and hungry, in spite of her “breakfast”. They had given her water to drink afterwards as promised, enough to quench her thirst, but not enough to get the taste of them completely out of her mouth. “Breakfast” hadn’t been all that bad compared to last night’s ‘dinner’, she thought. Her pretending had made it a little easier…almost enjoyable, even.
    The air had turned cooler, and the sky was starting to fill up with clouds: Low, gray

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