Female Prey & the Elusive Prey

Female Prey & the Elusive Prey by S. J. Lewis Page A

Book: Female Prey & the Elusive Prey by S. J. Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. J. Lewis
Tags: Erótica
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ball. She was probably dreaming someone was trying to get her up for school. Well, someone was, in a way. He squatted down next to her and gave her round little ass a resounding slap. It echoed like a pistol shot in the still morning air. Nearby, in the woods, a crow voiced complaint.
    She came up onto her knees with a yelp, startled, blue eyes flashing anger until she saw his face, grinning, inches away. Those blue eyes went wide in sudden realization and fear, and she drew away with a hissing intake of breath, arms coming up to cross protectively over her breasts.
    He just looked at her for a moment until she had to look away. Then he reached out to chuck her lightly under her chin with a forefinger, making her look back at him again. There was fear in those eyes now. “Got to get a move on, elf-girl.” He told her. “Gonna rain, gotta beat it.”
    She drew away from his finger, as if the touch were hateful…which it probably was, by now. She didn’t say anything, didn’t ask anything.
    “Hey, Kurt.” He called out without looking away from her.
    “Yah?” Kurt responded.
    “Tie her hands, will ya?”
    She started to open her mouth to say something, changed her mind. She didn’t put up a fight when Kurt pulled her arms behind her and began binding her wrists.
    Kurt was rough. They were all rough, she thought. She was just a piece of meat to them, and there wasn’t a damned thing she could do to stop them. Not really. She just stared into the face of the big, black leader of this rape gang as Kurt tied her hands behind her, her own face a mask.
    She was trying not to show any emotion at all as Kurt happily cinched and knotted, but there was a lot going on behind those eyes. If looks could kill, he’d be buried deep right now, and maybe not all in one place. It was good to know that there was still some fight left in elf-girl. It gave them something to do. He smiled back at her until Kurt was done, and then gave her a quick, sharp slap. She gasped in surprise and shock as her head snapped to one side.
    She half-turned her head back towards him, looking at him warily, sideways.
    “No glaring.” He said, wagging a finger at her, and she turned her head away quickly, looking down. “That’s better.” He chuckled, ruffling her hair affectionately. She drew back, looking down and away from him.
    “I think we should give this little lady some breakfast.” He announced. Kurt and Lloyd, occupied with breaking camp, looked at him, puzzled at first. Then slow grins spread across their faces. Elf-girl looked up at him. The faint hope on her face drained away as she saw his own grin.
    “No…” her voice broke. “No, please! Don’t…”
    He took her by her hair, drawing her up and closer to him. “Just do it, bitch.” He ordered. His other hand began to unzip his pants. “No water for you if you don’t eat all your breakfast.”
    She made a half-hearted attempt to pull away, and yelped as he used his grip on her hair to yank her back into line. “You wanna get strung up again?” he demanded, giving her head a hard shake for emphasis.
    “No!” she wailed. “No!” He wasn’t quite sure what she meant until she closed her eyes and opened her mouth wide for him, tilting her head back.
    “That’s better.” He grinned down at her. His cock was in his hand, already growing hard in anticipation. He slid the head between her lips, slowly, enjoying how she shuddered at the contact. “Get to work.” He ordered. “And do a good job this time.”
    Kimberley groaned. He felt so big in her mouth. She took him in a little more, her lips closing softly around the shaft. She licked tentatively at the underside of the head, tasting musk and salt. A little deeper, and then she drew her head back slowly. Now forward again…and back…a little faster, keeping her lips sealed around him as she sucked. His fingers twined in her hair, painfully. She kept her eyes closed, trying to conjure up a fantasy to make this ordeal

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