Feeling the Buzz
wink at Gaby, continued
with her seduction by whispering in his ear.
    “Instead of the black cotton underwear I
expect, your cock springs out, hot and hard beneath my fingers.”
    Sebastian’s arm tightened around her
shoulders, yet his expression didn’t change. She needed to mess with him some
    “I scoop out your cock and run my finger
along the length of your shaft. My fingers run over the head and under, teasing
you where you’re most sensitive. I add my mouth, dragging my tongue across the
flared head. I pause to taste a drop of pre-cum. It’s tart, a little salty.
You’re moving your hips in tiny jerks, pushing your cock deeper into my mouth.
I pull on your cock with some suction, and you moan, your hands digging into my
hair. It hurts, but it’s a good pain. I hum my appreciation, the vibrations
dragging a groan from you. You sound as if you’re in pain, but I know better.
You’ve started to tremble. Pre-cum is seeping from your slit in a constant stream,
and I have to lick a lot to keep up. I take you deeper and let one of my hands
roam over your balls. They’re hard and I know you’re not far away from orgasm.
I reach between your legs and glide my fingers over your pucker—”
    Sebastian sprang to his feet and grabbed
her hand. “We’re going home.” He dragged her two steps before she could
    “Wait! I haven’t finished…my drink.”
    “You can have a drink at home.” His
emphasis told her he knew exactly which corner her mind had turned.
    “See you tomorrow,” Gaby called, laughter
in her voice. “Come around eleven.”
    The drive home seemed to take ages even
though Sebastian drove much faster than usual. They pulled up in the driveway,
and Jen removed her seatbelt.
    “Wait there.”
    Sebastian climbed out and rounded the
vehicle to open her door. He helped her out and grabbed her hand, lacing their
fingers together. Jen’s pulse rate clicked up a few notches. The touch seemed
intimate yet felt so right.
    “I hope you’re not tired.”
    “Nope,” she said cheerfully.
    “Wayne’s room?”
    “Yes.” Although Wayne wasn’t here she liked
the thought of spending time with Sebastian in Wayne’s bed. “I wish he was here
with us.”
    “Me too, but I think we can manage to
entertain ourselves.”
    Jen thought of Gaby’s suggestion and fought
to contain her smile. “I think you’re right.”
    Without warning, Sebastian swept her into
his arms and in seconds flat they were in Wayne’s bedroom. Jen struggled a
fraction to let Sebastian know she wanted down. He dropped her on the mattress
and switched on one of the bedside lamps. Despite Wayne’s absence, she could
smell the citrus of his favored aftershave. He’d left a pair of jeans over the
back of a chair and obviously emptied his pockets of change before leaving. A
handful of coins littered the top of a set of wooden drawers.
    Sebastian straightened to glower down at
her, his feet planted hip width apart. “Take off your clothes.”
    Jen scrambled off the bed. “It’s still my
turn. Stay there and don’t move a muscle until I tell you.”
    Sebastian looked as if he might argue.
Finally, he gave a curt nod, his gaze tracking her as she ambled toward him.
With nimble fingers, she unbuttoned his shirt, leaning forward to nibble at the
swell of one pectoral muscle. He drew in a sharp breath but didn’t move.
Gradually, she divested him of his shirt and knelt in front of him to remove
his boots and socks.
    “Now the good part,” she said.
    “Next time,” he said, exploding into a
flurry of movement. He undressed her in seconds flat, tossing her clothes over
the floor. His remaining clothes disappeared just as quickly. “Better.”
    Jen stared at him, unable to glance away
even if she’d wanted to. His grin stole her breath, made her desperate to touch
and kiss him, show him some affection. Part of her wondered how she’d come to
be in this position—naked with Sebastian. It was enough to make a girl

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