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Book: Fearless by Cheryl Douglas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Douglas
Tags: Romance
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surprised by her uncharacteristic sentiment. He and Ashley were cordial, friendly, but they rarely engaged in heart-to-heart talks anymore. “Thanks for saying that, Ash.” He squeezed her hand. “But I can’t take all the credit. They’re damn lucky to have you as their mom.”   
    She claimed a stool across from him, propping her elbow on the counter and resting her chin in her palm. “It’s hard to believe they’ll be gone in a few years.”
    He shook his head. “I know; it won’t be the same without them.”
    Her eyes filled with tears. “I’m gonna miss them so much, Josh. I don’t know what I’m gonna do without them.” 
    He stood and pulled her into his arms. “Ssh, it’s gonna be okay. We’re going to be okay, honey.”
    He stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head.
    She buried her face in his chest. “I hope you’re right.”
    He looked up to see Lexi and her date standing in the doorway. She looked stunned to see what she must have misconstrued as an intimate moment.
    “I’m sorry,” she said, grabbing her date’s hand. “We didn’t mean to interrupt.”
    He let his arms fall to his sides as Ashley turned her back to wipe her tears.
    “You didn’t interrupt.” He stepped forward, extending his hand to Lexi’s date. “It’s Mark, right? I’m Josh. It’s nice to meet you.”
    Mark accepted his handshake and smiled. “Thanks for having me.” He circled his hand in the air. “Hell of a place you got here, man.”
    Josh tried to accept the compliment, but he couldn’t allow himself to warm up to the man who might be sharing Lexi’s bed tonight. “Thanks, I like it. Why don’t you guys help yourselves to a drink at the bar in the great room? Ashley and I will join you in a few minutes.”
    Lexi glared at him. “Don’t rush on our account. You two take all the time you need.”
    He suppressed the urge to grab her arm to stop her from leaving the room. He wanted to explain what she’d walked in on, but Mark slipped his arm around her waist and ushered her from the room before he could find the right words.
    Ashley sniffled. “I’m sorry I fell apart on you like that, Josh.” She wiped her nose with a tissue. “I must be going through a mid-life crisis or something.” She laughed. “I’ve spent a lot of time lately thinking about...”
    Trey and Sierra walked into the room. “We heard you two were hiding out in here,” Trey said. Josh turned to greet his friends.
    Sierra stepped into his arms. “Thanks for the invite, Josh.”
    “My pleasure; I’m glad you guys could make it.”
    Trey gave Ashley a hug. “It’s great to see you, Ash. It’s been too long.”
    The four of them had been the best of friends in college. Time, distance, and divorce had changed that. There were times, like now, when Josh wished he could go back and relive those years with the life experience he had now. Maybe he would have fought harder to save his marriage. If he had salvaged his marriage, he wouldn’t be tied up in knots over a woman he couldn’t have.
    Life would be so much simpler. He wouldn’t be facing the prospect of starting over again at a time when he should be enjoying the life he’d worked so hard to build. More importantly, he’d be able to spend every day with his boys instead of just a few days a month.
    “Hard to believe Jay and Mike are sixteen. I remember the day they were born.” Sierra laughed and tipped her head toward Josh. “I’d never seen a prouder Papa than this one.”
    Josh smiled at the memory. It had been the best day of his life, bar none. He would give everything he owned to relive that day. “Wait ‘til your little one comes along.” He jerked a finger toward Trey. “This guy won’t give her a moment’s peace.”
    “Her?” Ashley asked. “The baby is a girl?”     
    Sierra nodded, beaming. “Can you believe it?”
    Ashley hugged her old friend. “I’m so happy for you.” She grabbed Trey’s hand. “For both of you. I

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