
Fated by Carly Phillips

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Authors: Carly Phillips
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    A Berkley Special / published by arrangement with the author
    Berkley Special / December 2012
    â€œFated” copyright © 2012 by Karen Drogin.
    Excerpt from
Perfect Fit
by Carly Phillips
copyright © 2012 by Karen Drogin.
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    eBook ISBN: 978-1-101-61723-6
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    Kate Andrews loved a man in uniform. She especially loved Nick Mancini in his softball gear. The pants lovingly hugged his tight ass and the short sleeve jersey showed off muscular forearms honed from years of manual labor in construction. His mahogany hair looked sexy and messy beneath his ball cap and his yummy brown eyes were dark and intense as he kicked at the dirt on the pitcher’s mound.
    Nick Mancini was the sole reason she’d let her best friend talk her into coming to the last softball game of the season. Not that she’d admit as much to anyone. Kate barely liked to confess her feelings for Nick to herself.
    Normally, Kate didn’t have an excuse to come to the games, but Faith had offered to take her husband’s half sister to see Dare Barron play for the cops. And Kate couldn’t resist the opportunity to watch Nick from afar. It was as close as she’d let herself get to the man who made her skin tingle, her pulse race, but from whom she had to keep her distance in order to protect her heart.
    Tonight, the Serendipity cops were playing the Mancini Construction Crew, and the competition was fierce yet friendly. Mid-September, the summer had already ended and the turnout was big for the last outdoor event before the cold weather came roaring into their upstate New York town.
    â€œThanks for taking me tonight,” Tess said, showing Kate that the hard-edged teen who’d shown up in Serendipity was softening

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